{Part Two: Emerald Tempest} Chapter Twenty-Two: The Interlocking Past I

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When the beginning of the next moon comes around, You rise to your feet. Seraphine manifests at your side soon afterward.

Seraphine: I don't know what it is that we're going to be doing this moon... What can we even do? We're going to have to get ready to attack Shambhala yet again. It seems like there are things that just keep on getting in our way to make sure that we aren't able to pull this off... It's starting to get frustrating, wouldn't you say?

You nod and say that You feel the same way, but You are going to press forward regardless.

Seraphine: Of course. I would never doubt something like that. Still... I just hope that we're able to do this somewhat soon. Captain Torryn says that we're going to try and send out as many scouts as possible to make sure that the remaining Malice soldiers are taken care of so that we don't get caught by surprise again. We'll just have to see if that's enough to make sure that everything works out in our favor.

You nod your understanding and begin to walk to the cardinals' room. Seraphine disappears, and when You arrive at your destination, You find the Knights of Seiros there as expected.

Cordelia: I'm going to do what I can to start sending out forces to take care of any Malice stragglers. That should make this final battle a lot easier for us.

Yuliya: You know, I'm starting to wonder if this Shambhala invasion is just a joke. We haven't made any progress in ages.

Derric: That's how war works sometimes. You set your eyes on a goal, and it can take a while to reach that point if too much gets in the way.

Miriam: Our goal up to this point has just been to stop the war, and it isn't as if that's particularly detailed.

Rodain: I would be happy to lead some of the scout troops out to see what we can find in the area.

Wynne: I feel like everyone is going to want to step up. After all, we don't want this Shambhala invasion to be any harder than it has to be.

Piers: It's going to be difficult enough as it is, and we shouldn't make things any harder on ourselves than we have to.

Kaeta: Well, now that we've talked about all that, I think it's time for us to address the other heavy point in the room.

Cassia: You said that you were going to talk to Lady Aisa, Captain Torryn... How did that wind up going?

Cordelia: She... She ultimately decided that she's going to take up her previous position of authority once again. That was what she found to be for the best. As for what she's been doing over the course of the past five years... She just claimed that war is something she has seen too much of, and she left because she was unable to handle it. She also said that the mastermind was after her for some reason, and after she explained that, she just stated that the matter had been resolved somehow. It truly does seem as if the fight against the mastermind was over before we could ever get our hands on it.

Piers: If that's all that she told you, then it sounds like she doesn't want to get into explicit detail about the past.

Derric: I suppose that Lady Aisa has always been rather mysterious... Her past is something that nobody has ever understood.

Yuliya: She's been the archbishop for as long as anybody can remember, hasn't she? Isn't that a little bit odd?

Kaeta: I know that I've heard of her being the leader of the church from my parents, so... She's been in her position for ages.

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