{Part Two: Silver Snow} Chapter Twenty-One: The Looming Path II

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At the end of the moon, You rise from your slumber and begin your preparations for the day. Seraphine speaks to You all the while.

Seraphine: Today starts the charge into the Empire then...

You nod and say that Gronder Field will be an important foothold before You can lay claim to the rest of the southern nation.

Seraphine: It's going to take us a long time to search the entire country for any signs of Evenor or Samiya... I just hope we don't see all that much resistance.

You say that You are hoping for that as well, but You somehow doubt it will be so simple.

Seraphine: I hate it when you're right... Ugh... I guess we should at least try our best and see where it takes us from here. If the remaining soldiers from Argades' rule decide to cause any more of a hassle for us, we'll get rid of them as quickly as we can.

You nod before making your way to the cardinals' room. There, You are met with the faces of your comrades.

Roy: Our newest scouting reports say there's movement in the general vicinity of Gronder Field. It seems this won't be as peaceful of an expedition as we had been hoping.

Herwig: Do we have any ideas who could be behind it? A rogue faction is different from a group with an active commander, and we should approach them as such.

Cordelia: The rumors are scarce and small right now, but there are some who think this is going to lead to a large battle... We'll simply have to see when we arrive.

Reese: In that case, we shouldn't waste any time. There's a lot riding on this fight, and we should meet the enemy before they can get the upper hand over us.

Niko: I hope the rumors are nothing more than that, though I know it's not going to be that simple. Nothing ever is when it comes to Malice.

Aisa: At the very least, nobody has mentioned seeing Samiya yet. I am willing to consider that a victory in our favor, albeit a small one.

Nesreen: I really hope she doesn't show up today, but we won't know for sure what she's up to until after we arrive, I suppose.

Jill: In that case, let's not waste any more time. Our troops are all ready to march, and the other new commanders among our forces are prepared as well.

Adrian: This will be our first battle as a fully combined force... I'm looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish together.

Cordelia: I hope it will be enough to get rid of all the lingering enemies. Surely they have to know that they're outmatched.

Roy: They would only do something like this if they had someone telling them they were going to be alright... There has to be a commander waiting for us there.

Aisa: Then we must depart at once and see who could be behind all of this strife and chaos. Let us go.

In the hours that follow, You and the other members of the army move towards the Empire. Gronder Field appears on the horizon in time, and You stop to examine the silhouettes in the distance.

Cordelia: It appears the enemy caught wind of our plan to start our charge into the Empire from Gronder.

Roy: That's a much larger force than I would have expected to find... We should get closer and see who's behind this.

You draw nearer to the field, and as soon as You are close enough to see who the commander is, your eyes go wide.

Aisa: Is that... Evenor?

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