{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Seventeen: Mirror Images I

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At the start of the following moon, You awaken from slumber and begin to prepare for the day as Seraphine speaks to You.

Seraphine: I'm still admittedly shocked about everything we heard from Rowan before... You're not the only one who wound up hearing a voice in their head after the experimentation.

You say that You just wish You understood why it only happened to You and Rowan out of everyone.

Seraphine: I feel the same way... Though I suppose it's just something we're going to have to investigate more in the future.

You hesitate before asking if she means that You will need to investigate it by talking to Evenor when the time comes.

Seraphine: ...I'm not going to like it. I don't know how anyone could. Still... I think we're going to have to ask her for the truth. Who else is going to be able to tell us about what really happened all those years ago?

You shake your head and say that You do not know, but You are still anxious about speaking with Evenor.

Seraphine: I'm not sure if she's going to want to talk to us about this... I want to believe she would, but after what she did to Janae... I don't know. All of this just makes me feel sick to my stomach, and I don't even know if I have a physical stomach.

You tell her that You want to learn as much as possible when You get the chance.

Seraphine: And that means going to meet with the others... You're right. Come on. We should see if they've had any luck in figuring out where we're going to set our sights next. Maybe they've already found Evenor. That would make our lives a lot easier... Though rushing into this might be even worse than just having to think about it.

You brush the thought off to the best of your ability before You start up to the cardinals room where the leaders of your current group are waiting.

Cordelia: Ah, Professor, there you are. We were just starting to discuss where we'll be heading in the next few weeks.

Liram: And as of now, it seems our primary goal is to try and earn the alliance of the Kingdom's forces. If we can help the queen to fight off all the nobles who are working against her, then we should be able to consider the knights of Faerghus at our backs.

Reed: Right now, that seems to start with us marching off to Schweighen territory. I've heard unfortunate things about the lord there, and I doubt he's been particularly kind to anyone living under his rule.

Luciana: My professor at the Officers Academy was related to the ruler of Schweighen lands... He told me once how cruel the lord of the house can be. He also said that he is not a man to be trifled with and that we should be careful if we ever have to go there.

Calypso: I doubt he ever thought you would have to march there as part of a war effort.

Luciana: Certainly not... But now that we are here, we cannot afford to back down. If it is a battle the lord of the territory wants, then it is what he will get.

Cordelia: He's been fighting fiercely to try and expand his reach deeper into Kingdom territory, and that has come at the cost of his alliances with his neighbors. No one is particularly fond of him right now, but a cornered man is a dangerous one.

Morgana: Then we'll proceed with as much caution as we possibly can... Though I wish we had the feedback of Luciana's old professor to help guide us as we go into this battle.

Cordelia: Unfortunately, he's off searching for Lady Aisa with Roy... I'm starting to think that perhaps splitting up was a bad idea.

Kaeta: You won't be saying that if they manage to find Lady Aisa and bring her back to us after all these years.

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