{Part Two: Silver Snow} Chapter Fourteen: Long Sought Unity I

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A few weeks later, You stand with your allies in the Church of Seiros after having cleaned the monastery. It was a lengthy, difficult task, but You believe that the monastery is finally suitable to be your base for the time being.

Roy: Restoring the monastery certainly didn't take anywhere near as long as I would have expected it to... Not that I'm complaining, of course.

Herwig: It's nice to finally have this place back in good condition... The only signs of damages left are in the cathedral.

Reese: Unfortunately, there's not exactly much we can do when it comes to restoring the fallen statue... We'll have to wait until after the war ends for that.

Adrian: It's tragic, but it's not like any of us really know what to do with statues like that to begin with, especially when they've been completely destroyed like that.

Nesreen: At least we have a bit more of a plan in mind than we did before. I'm willing to take that as a victory given how much we've been fumbling in the dark for the last five years.

Niko: On that note, I was able to get in contact with Derric. He says that he and the rest of the Knights of Seiros are going to head in our direction soon.

Jill: In that case, we should definitely make preparations to meet them. We're going to need all the help we can get.

Aisa: I am glad to know that the Knights of Seiros are going to be able to come help us soon... I have no doubt that we will have much to talk about.

Niko: Captain Torryn says that she wants to take out a fort not far from here while she's on the way. She suggested that we meet there for a coordinated attack.

Adrian: That would certainly play to our favor. After all, if we can get rid of a fortress while reuniting with them, that's one less weight on our shoulders.

Jill: In that case, we can start coming up with a more concrete plan to meet them there. I agree that it would be for the best for us to try and take care of that fortress while we can.

Reese: Perfect. If we have a plan under our belt, then we can start making preparations and gathering supplies.

Herwig: That's going to be much easier said than done, I'm afraid. The war has caused countless shortages on all fronts.

Aisa: I will ensure that we find a way to work around it. That may not count for much, but I know that we must at least try.

Nesreen: We can think about that later. For now, there are a bunch of other people that have come to join us here at the monastery, and I think we should greet them.

Roy: That's right. Former students have decided to come and see us here, and I think we should do what we can to ensure that they feel as welcome as possible despite the changes to the monastery.

Aisa: Of course. Thank you again for all that you are doing here... And I wish you nothing but the best. I will begin planning for our next battle as soon as possible. Until then, feel free to enjoy the monastery's amenities. After all the work you have done to bring this place back to its natural order, you deserve that much.

The rest of the people in the room file out at Aisa's words, and You linger for another moment before turning to face Aisa. You say that You have a question for her.

Aisa: Yes? What is it?

You say that You remembered five years ago that she was looking after Janae. You ask if she knows anything about Janae or Evenor's current locations.

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