{Part Two: Silver Snow} Chapter Twenty-Two: Bones and Blood II

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At the conclusion of the moon, You rise and begin to prepare for the day to come. Seraphine speaks to You all the while.

Seraphine: I still can't help thinking about the Relics... It's so strange to me how there were such powerful weapons out there all this time, but we had no way of knowing since Samiya took them before the rest of the world could know.

You nod, saying that You can only hope that You are able to fight against her and learn the truth sooner rather than later.

Seraphine: I don't know if she would be willing to talk to us about something like that though... I mean, she doesn't seem particularly agreeable about anything we've seen up to this point. All she wants is for the world to burn, even if it means allying herself with enemies of the past.

You shake your head, musing on how lonely and isolated her life must have been.

Seraphine: Perhaps, but she chose to walk the path of vengeance. That is a lonely road, and she must have known that going into it. She's trying to destroy everything now, and even if she does want to get back at Aisa for doing bad things in the past... Waging war isn't the way to do it. That won't magically return the world to the way it was when she was the hero of her own story.

You nod at that, wondering if everything would have been the same in some other life.

Seraphine: You mean... If Aisa hadn't taken over the church?

You nod once more, saying that she only did so because of the deaths of the Saints who led the army of good in the War of Heroes.

Seraphine: That's true... If Aisa hadn't been forced to step up, I imagine that we wouldn't be here now. Imagine what that life would be like...

You say that there is little point to thinking about it now as long as this is the path that You have been handed. You intend to stick it out to the end even if Samiya proves herself to be a difficult opponent.

Seraphine: Good... I'm looking forward to seeing what peace can offer us both, and I know that you are too.

You close your eyes in thought, saying that You will see this through no matter what.

Seraphine: Then I suppose that starts with this next battle... Let's go and hear what the others have to say about this.

You leave for the cardinals' room, and You find everyone there chattering quietly. You ask what is happening, and the room falls silent.

Cordelia: We've seen some movement within the Empire not far from the capital.

Herwig: Do you think it could be Samiya?

Roy: There's no way to say for sure if it's Samiya or not quite yet, but it seems likely that she's at least loosely involved. I can't imagine anyone else would be raising hell in that area.

Reese: In that case, we need to march on Enbarr before she can escape. The last thing I want is for us to have to chase her down all over again after all we've already done.

Jill: The troops are already prepared to march.

Nesreen: We can send our spies in that direction so that we converge at the same point to fight her as well.

Niko: Assuming Samiya is even there... I'm afraid that we're going to get there only to find that she was never in the area to begin with.

Jill: We're not going to know until we go, so we might as well try it.

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