{Part Two} Scales of Trust (Ayberk x Reed)

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 After finishing your rounds in the monastery for the day, You plan to take care of a bit of work for preparing for the next battle. Along the way, You find Ayberk with a piece of paper in their hand and a frown on their face.

Ayberk: Ugh... I don't know if we have time for this... But we can't just leave it be, can we? That wouldn't be right...

Reed: What's got you so troubled, Ayberk? You seem pretty stiff.

Ayberk: Ah, Reed. I just got a report from one of our informants. Apparently, there's a group of bandits lurking in Imperial territory trying to take advantage of the war. They're preying off anyone and everyone who they think they can take from.

Reed: Damn it... That's pretty serious.

Ayberk: I don't know what we should do about it. We can't just leave these bandits to their own devices, but at the same time, I know how much we have at stake right now, and I don't want to put any of our greater plans in danger because we need to stop for this.

Reed: Our forces have been pretty minimal for a while now...

Ayberk: What do you think we should do? I feel like you have a lot of experience with stuff like this. You know... Since you used to be a Knight of Seiros and all that.

Reed: Ah, yes, I suppose you're right... Well, I think I have a solution to our problem that won't involve us pulling too much attention away from the rest of the army.

Ayberk: And what would that be?

Reed: If the bandits are such a danger–and I have no reason to believe they're not–then we can take things directly to them to see where it leads us.

Ayberk: You mean... We would go out and handle them on our own?

Reed: I don't see why not. We're good fighters, and I doubt these brigands will really stand much of a chance against us once we arrive on the scene.

Ayberk: That's an awfully bold statement... But I would be lying if I said I disagreed.

Reed: So you want to come with me to clear them out?

Ayberk: I don't think I would be able to turn the other cheek on a situation like this even if I wanted to... And just so we're clear, I definitely do not want to.

Reed: Perfect. In that case, let's go on and gather everything we're going to need, and we can march out on the bandits' next target as soon as possible.

Ayberk: You're handling this a lot better than other people would have... It's impressive.

Reed: You said before that I have a lot of experience with things like this. You weren't exactly wrong.

Ayberk: It makes me wonder why you decided to walk away from the life of a knight in the first place... You clearly knew what you were doing. You must have if you've managed to find such a good place in the army in so little time.

Reed: Ah... That's a story for another time. Right now, I think it would be in our best interests to focus on tracking down the bandits and finishing them off. I'm not going to let anyone take advantage of the war.

Ayberk: In that case, why don't we set off?

Reed: Of course. Let's show those brigands what they're getting into when they try to mess with innocent people.

You step onto the scene and ask if You would be able to join them.

Reed: I was wondering when you would ask that.

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