{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Twenty-Five: Uneasy Alliances II

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At the end of the moon, You awaken from your slumber and begin to prepare for the rest of the day. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: I suppose this is it then... We're finally going to take the Empire by storm and end this war once and for all.

You point out to her that You probably will not be able to end the war in one single pass through the Empire. It will take much more planning than that.

Seraphine: You're right... But we're going to at least be able to start the attack and gather the information we need to keep pushing south. We're going to make good progress. I'm sure of it.

You say that You hope the others have found what they need in order to begin the charge.

Seraphine: I'm sure they have. We've been waiting all month for them to figure out where we should start with this. They have to have a plan for us.

You nod and You move toward the door, but before You can open it, You hear a knock. You hesitate for a moment, confusion crossing your features.

Seraphine: Who in the world could that be...? I don't think we've been too slow in getting ready this morning...

You open the door and find none other than Luciana standing in the entrance of your room. Her cheeks are flushed, and fear is written all over her face. Your eyes go wide, and You ask her what she is doing there.

Luciana: Professor, you need to come quick!

You ask what is going on, immediately picking up on the panic in her voice.

Luciana: We're not attacking the Empire anymore... A rebel force from the Kingdom has come after us, and they're attacking the monastery as we speak!

You follow Luciana away from your room and up to the front area of the monastery. Your mind races all the way, and Seraphine's voice echoes in your mind.

Seraphine: I-I don't understand... What could be happening?! Why are we under attack from Kingdom forces?! I thought we already took care of everyone there who could have wanted to attack us!

You realize that You must have missed something or someone who previously declared themselves to be your allies decided to betray You, though it is difficult to say for certain which of the two it is. All those thoughts are pushed out of your mind when You arrive at your destination though, and You see the rest of your allies gathered together at the front of the monastery looking out over the surrounding area.

Magnolia: There are far more of them than I could have ever imagined... And they moved so quickly in order to make it here too.

Raithius: I guess we were wrong to think House Goneril would be the end of our problems within the Kingdom and Alliance... Damn it.

You ask who is leading the rebellion force.

Cordelia: We can't say for sure yet. They're too far away... But I don't think it's anyone we recognize.

Magnolia: I... I may have an idea as to who we're dealing with.

Eli: Who is it then?

Magnolia: I heard rumors of there being a Malice commander within the Kingdom by the name of Marcus. I knew little about him, and no one seemed to be able to tell me what I was looking for when I was investigating him more intensely. We fought him back when we were still students at the Officers Academy, but he hasn't resurfaced in the time since then. If he went into hiding, then he would have had the chance to ready himself for a massive attack of this scale. I have to wonder if perhaps he's the one responsible for all of this...

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