{Part Two: Blackened Sun} Chapter Twenty: Death of the Sinful I

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At the beginning of the next moon, You arise from your bed and begin to prepare to meet with the rest of the Ashen Wolves. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: I know we weren't able to find anything last moon, but I'm still hoping we're going to end up lucky enough to track something down this time. We've been waiting for long enough. At this point, I feel like the goddess owes us that much.

You nod your agreement as You reach for your sword.

Seraphine: I hope the universe at large agrees with that sentiment... It's difficult to say for certain these days.

You say that You hope for the same as You walk to the cardinals' room as You have at the start of every other month since returning to the monastery. The Ashen Wolves are waiting there with Cyrus and Druilla as per usual. You ask them if anything new has come to light.

Eli: Ah, Professor. It's nice to see you... Though I'm afraid we haven't run into anything of note yet.

You frown though You inwardly think about how this is what You expected to hear.

Ernst: We do have a bit of good news though. It might not be any new information, but it is something we've been aware of for a while.

Grey: Yeah. It's finally time for us to meet up with the rest of the allies we've gathered so we can plan for the future..

Gabriel: The Alliance and Kingdom armies are supposed to head in our direction within the next few weeks.

Ansel: And if all goes according to plan, we'll have the Knights of Seiros on our side soon too. They're planning on coming here as well.

Taiyin: I can't believe the time is finally almost here... We've been struggling for so long, and this doesn't even feel real now.

Quinn: But it's most certainly real, and I'm looking forward to enjoying it as much as possible once they arrive.

Saias: Preparing for the charge into the Empire isn't going to be easy though... This is going to be the start of a long and bitter struggle.

Tsubasa: Maybe so, but it's a step in the right direction after how long we've been left on our own. I'm willing to take it given the circumstances.

Magnus: We can work together to come up with something that will give us a way forward. That's what I care about most.

Cyrus: I think we should be careful until they arrive here though... We invaded the Empire during the last mission, and I don't know what that's going to mean for us.

Druilla: I would think Argades is too kind to not invade while we're focused on other things, but if anything, that just makes it feel more likely.

Magnus: I unfortunately agree. The man is stubborn as can be, and if he decides that we stepped on his toes, he's going to come here.

Saias: We can at least take solace in the fact that the rumors say the rebellion is marching on the capital now. Maybe that will distract him enough for us to get away with it.

Taiyin: I want to think it's going to be that easy to get away with our attack last moon, but I don't know if I can actually make myself believe it.

Gabriel: The rebellion has been successful up to this point... Maybe that will end up counting for something here.

Cyrus: I certainly hope so. I don't want to have to worry about another fight to defend the monastery.

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