{Part Two: Silver Snow} Chapter Twenty-Three: Survival of a Sage I

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At the start of the next moon, You rise from slumber and ready yourself for the day ahead.

Seraphine: We should go and speak with the rest of the leaders of the army. I have to wonder if they've managed to track Samiya down yet...

You nod, saying that You hope she has been found.

Seraphine: I have a bad feeling about this though... I don't know how to describe it, but I feel like there's something else going on that we haven't seen yet.

You start toward the door of your room and move to the cardinals' room, Seraphine's anxiety still weighing heavily on your mind. You find the cardinals' room in chaos when You arrive, and even before You enter the room, You can hear the chatter of nerves down the hall. When You enter the room, You ask just what is going on.

Cordelia: We were able to find Samiya... But we were right about her having something up her sleeve all this time.

Reese: She attacked the Adrestian capital and took control of the palace. She took advantage of the war and its chaos to seize power.

Your eyes go wide with shock.

Jill: That's what she was trying to do with the Relics. She sent her allies to retrieve them, but when they never returned...

Nesreen: She decided it was time to just attack on her own. Now, here we are with her sitting on the throne.

Roy: As awful as this is going to be... I'm surprised that it took Samiya this long to act and try to take over.

Herwig: Now that she's in the seat of power though, we need to do something to take it back from her.

Niko: Our plan needs to involve marching on Enbarr and doing everything we can to oust her... And we need to do it as soon as possible.

Adrian: What do you think we should do, Lady Aisa? You're the one who knows her the best out of us.

Aisa: We will need to proceed carefully. Samiya has more than enough experience in combat, and she will do everything she must in order to defeat us. Each battle is an opportunity for her to claim the upper hand.

Reese: We'll need to attack the Imperial capital before she has the chance to fully prepare for us then.

Adrian: If we leave her unattended for too long, she's definitely going to try and gather her forces again.

Niko: I can only hope that her promises of power won't work this time around given how thoroughly she's been defeated, but...

Nesreen: There will be a few desperate soldiers who have been forced into hiding since we began to reclaim the upper hand. They'll probably side with her.

Herwig: Then we'll simply need to be ready for them as soon as possible. We need to start preparing our charge now.

Jill: I agree completely. We should be able to get a head start on it right now, and we need to take advantage of this time while we have it.

Roy: It's not even time in our favor, not really. Samiya already has the upper hand–we just need to mitigate the damage before it can get too much worse.

Aisa: Then that is what we will do. I am asking for all of your strength once more. I am sorry that we have been met by such unfortunate circumstances time and time again, but... We must fight together one last time.

Cordelia: You think this is going to be the final battle then... The fight where we finally manage to bring Samiya to her knees.

Aisa: As long as we tread carefully and handle ourselves with even more caution, we should be able to win this. Victory is not guaranteed, but this... This is the chance we have been waiting for. Samiya is incredibly powerful, and she currently holds control over Enbarr and is no doubt looking to extend her reach. We must defeat her before that stranglehold on power can grow any worse.

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