{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Twenty-One: Fangs Shattered I

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At the start of the next moon, You awaken from your slumber and begin to prepare for the day ahead. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: I wonder if we'll be able to get in touch with Magnolia again soon... It feels like it's been so long since we were last in contact with her, and we could use the extra help she can give us as soon as possible.

You nod your agreement.

Seraphine: I bet she's going to want to talk to all of us about everything that happened during our last battle against a member of a noble family from the Kingdom... I have no doubt the report sent in her direction told her just how necessary it was, but... It still wouldn't hurt to talk to her in person about that.

You say that You will just have to wait and see when she is ready to reach out to the rest of your army again.

Seraphine: You're right. For now, let's go and see what everyone else is thinking of doing for this next mission.

You make your way up to the cardinals' room, and when You do, You find the rest of the group's innermost circle already gathered there. You greet them with a kind smile before taking a seat at the table.

Cordelia: Now that everyone is here, I have good news. It seems like we'll be able to make a few extra allies sooner than we thought.

Luciana: Did we finally hear back from the queen? Are we set to rendezvous with the Kingdom forces before our next battle?

Reed: I'm afraid not... However, we did get our hands on a letter from the Alliance, and it seems as if the archduke is ready for us to come and help him out.

Cordelia: To be more specific, Raithius requested that we come and help him with a small pest problem he's been dealing with over the last few weeks... The Canis.

Liram: It's been a while since I've heard that name... And I'm glad it took me so long to have to hear about them again.

Calypso: ...What exactly are we doing about them? The Canis forces are strong, and it would be in our best interests to not underestimate them.

Cordelia: Raithius will be constructing an army to march on the heart of their territory, and we need to meet him there to clear out the rest of the group.

Reed: For the most part, the group has been taken care of and should no longer be an issue for us... But there are a few stragglers who want to cause problems, and their desire to start a rebellion is what's causing Raithius to make this decision.

Morgana: I see... So after we take care of the Canis forces giving him trouble...

Eli: It sounds like he'll be ready to move everything out here to the monastery to join us in battles going forward.

Cordelia: That's what he said in the letter. After this battle, he'll be ready to move to Garreg Mach, and when he relocates his forces, he's going to start drafting up a plan for charging into the Empire to stop the stem of bloodshed at the source.

Quinn: That's a relief to hear. We're getting closer to stopping the Empire once and for all with each passing day.

Liram: We still have a few other hurdles to get through first. We need to meet up with the Kingdom forces as soon as possible too. We won't be able to handle the Empire without their added help.

Luciana: Then we can maintain our contact with the queen to ensure she is ready to meet us soon. I have no doubt she will want to be there at our sides when the time comes for us to push south into Imperial territory.

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