{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Desperate Hand I

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At the start of the following moon, You awaken from your slumber slowly but surely. You rise to your full height a moment later, stretching one arm above your head along the way. You hesitate soon afterward when You remember just what You were told after the previous battle, and the rest of the world goes still around You.

Seraphine: I guess we can't escape the truth that easily, huh...?

You shake your head and admit that You do not know what to do with all of this.

Seraphine: I don't either... I wish I had a suggestion for what we should be doing with our time next, but... I have no ideas.

You nod, knowing that she is not talking about meeting with the others to discuss the army's next move at all. Her thoughts are instead on what You heard about your past from Chris, and You do not know what to do with all of that.

Seraphine: I feel like the best option for a person to ask would be Evenor herself, but we don't know where she is or how we can track her down...

You point out that she will likely be waiting somewhere within the Empire.

Seraphine: You're right. Even so, we have no idea when we're going to find her, and... I don't know if we'll be able to handle hearing another conflicting narrative about all of this. It's enough to process as it is, and... Evenor might not even have our best path forward in mind. If what Chris has to say is true, then she took us away from the palace... And presumably our mother.

You say that You would like to ask Chris more about your mother when You get the chance.

Seraphine: That sounds like a good idea. After all, for all we know, it could be...

You nod, not even waiting for her to finish.

Seraphine: ...We won't know for sure until we go talk to her. For now, we should head upstairs and see what the others have to say about our next mission. I bet they have at least an idea in mind for what we should be doing after this.

You nod once again, and You start to make your way up to the cardinals' room. By the time You arrive, You find that the leaders of your army have all gathered together around the central table with the map of Fódlan laying out on it. You wave to them, doing your best to seem as normal and composed as possible despite everything You have learned. You do not think anyone sees the truth of your emotions behind the mask, and You thank the universe for being kind enough to give You a way to obscure everything for the time being.

Liram: Ah, Professor. It's nice to see you. We were just about to discuss where our army is going to be headed next.

You nod slowly, and You wonder just how many people Chris told about your secret. Does Liram know the truth about who You are? Will You ever even know that in the first place? Ultimately, You are pulled out of your thoughts when the conversation beside You changes once again.

Cordelia: I heard before that you were planning on charging into Wessin territory next... Is that correct?

Chris: It is. The heads of the family there are Professor Wessin's parents, and they've alienated all of their children in the time since they grew up and left the territory behind.

Cordelia: That certainly makes sense... Their youngest daughter has been staying with us for a long time, and she's been eager to meet up with Herwig again after all this time.

Chris: We should be able to charge ahead cleanly after we finish with Wessin territory. For now, the best thing we can do is strike quickly and mercilessly.

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