{Part Two} Wandering Passions (Conrad x Calypso)

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 During your rounds of the monastery, You overhear a few people talking. You pause, not wanting to make yourself known immediately but curious about what they are saying. Soon enough, You realize who the two people involved are: Conrad and Calypso.

Conrad: Where are you going, Calypso? I didn't think you to be the type to run off on your own.

Calypso: I heard of rumors of a rebellion within Leicester. I thought I would go out and handle it before it could become even greater of a problem.

Conrad: I know I don't exactly have much authority here, but you're kidding yourself if you think, I'm going to stand by and let you do that without asking questions. It's not right.

Calypso: What makes you say that?

Conrad: We're supposed to be working together here, aren't we? You running off alone is a bad idea, and if you end up getting yourself killed, there's no way any of us will know about it until it's too late.

Calypso: ...Would you like to come with me?

Conrad: I-I never said that... I wanted to make sure you didn't run off and get yourself killed, but I... I'm not the best person for this.

Calypso: I would argue otherwise. In fact, I would say that you're the perfect person to handle this... Should you be interested in joining me.

Conrad: ...

You approach them and ask what is going on.

Conrad: P-Professor! Can you please tell Calypso that she's being ridiculous if she thinks she can run off and take care of a rebellion on her own?

You turn to Calypso for explanation.

Calypso: There's a small group of insurgents vying for power. I believe them to be people left behind by the past few battles in Leicester. There are many powerful forces that have recently abandoned the area, and the people abandoned in their wake are still searching for whatever strength they can find.

Conrad: And going off alone isn't a good way to handle that. If you end up surrounded, then no one will know about it until after you're already dead. Do you think anyone will want to go on without having you here?

Calypso: Well, now that the professor is here, I suppose we can settle for another way out of this... By having both of you come with me.

You ask what specific groups are trying to aim for power in this fight.

Calypso: There are a few people left behind by the Canis crime ring in Columbus territory. There are also a handful of soldiers from the attack led by Ruden and Admoderor's houses. I thought I would go through and take care of them as soon as possible before they could pose a true threat.

Conrad: ...Fine. You've got me. I'll come with you.

Calypso: I had a feeling you would say that... Though I'll ask you to stay close to me. It wouldn't do for you to end up putting yourself in danger either.

Conrad: I don't want to rely on you like that. It wouldn't be right for me to sit in your shadow during this fight when it's partially my territory's fault this is happening.

Calypso: I won't ask you to sit in the shadows. You're a capable fighter, and you want to prove yourself. I understand that. I just want you to be careful about it.

You offer to come with them both to make sure they can handle everything.

Calypso: Perfect. In that case, I suppose that settles our argument.

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