{Part Two: Blackened Sun} Chapter Twenty-One: Light of Freedom I

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At the start of the following moon, You awaken early. You feel well-rested despite the exhausting battle that caught You by surprise the day before. You stretch your body out as You prepare for the day, and Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: It's strange to think that everyone is back here at last... There are so many people we thought we would never see again, and yet, here they are. It's refreshing.

You nod and say that You are going to make the most of the chance You have been given.

Seraphine: I wish we knew where we were supposed to be headed next, but I suppose it just comes with the territory... Confusion is a piece of the puzzle these days. It's how life has been going for ages now.

You tell her that You intend to do everything in your power to track down Belenio and Tagusol the instant they make themselves known.

Seraphine: They're bound to come out of hiding when they realize something has happened to Evenor... Or that's the hope, at the very least. I don't know for sure if that will turn out the way we would have liked, but...

You shake your head and say that You are choosing to stay optimistic.

Seraphine: I'm glad to hear it... Though I have to ask how you're able to do it.

You ask what she means.

Seraphine: We killed Evenor... You were the one holding the blade that struck her down. She was perhaps the only one who could have given you the answers you sought about the past, and now... She's gone.

You tell her that You intend to find out the truth another way. Evenor was being too vague with her answers, and You likely would not have heard what You needed from her no matter how many times You asked.

Seraphine: You're probably right about that... It's a shame we had to go so far though. I understand there was no way for us to change her mind after she decided to cause issues for us, but...

You say that You are going to continue fighting and looking to the future even in light of Evenor's death. You know what had to happen that day, and You are doing your best to not regret it.

Seraphine: You can still feel it though, can't you? No matter how much you try to avoid it, you know there's a little piece of you from the past that still cares about her. Even if you don't remember her, you know you once cared.

You hesitate before saying that You are choosing to not acknowledge that piece of yourself. You know there was no other option, and You do not regret what had to be done. The army required You to step up, and You would not be cowed simply because You had a history with Evenor years ago.

Seraphine: I'm proud of you... I wish it didn't have to come to this, but I'm glad you were able to do what was necessary.

You tell her that You want to do what You can for the sake of the army going forward. You will do what must be done regardless of what it means for your past or present.

Seraphine: Then we should go and meet with the others. Maybe they'll have come up with a plan for where we're headed next. Now that we have a bunch of extra allies on our side, we have a lot more information at our disposal, and they should be able to point us in the right direction.

You nod and tell her that You are looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for You for better or worse.

Seraphine: I'm glad to see you can be so optimistic... Let's go see what we can expect then. Everyone is waiting for us.

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