{Part Two: Crimson Flower} Chapter Fifteen: Changing Tides I

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At the start of the next moon, You awaken and start to get ready for the day. Along the way, Seraphine's voice rings in your ears.

Seraphine: I wonder what our job is going to be this time... I can only hope this battle goes as well as the last one.

You nod your agreement.

Seraphine: I bet that last fight was all it took to show the emperor what we're trying to do too... I wonder what's going to happen when he finally decides to push back against us. I somehow doubt that we're going to be able to get away with a revolution as long as there's something he can do to stop us.

You say that You will cross that bridge when it arrives.

Seraphine: That sounds like a plan. Let's go and see the Black Eagles for now.

You leave your room behind, and Seraphine's voice vanishes from your mind. You arrive at the cardinals' room and find the Black Eagles are once again examining a map of the continent. You greet them upon walking inside.

Chris: Just in time, Professor. We have a lot to talk about.

You ask if anything has happened.

Aquillus: It seems the emperor didn't take kindly to our attack on the fortress last time... We have a bit of a problem on our hands.

Hegias: Soldiers from Schlarzer territory have been looking after the fort we took over, but the emperor isn't exactly happy with that...

Zelhira: He's planning a counterattack to push back against my home territory because of its part in reclaiming the fort.

Polly: Up until now, a lot of the nobles have been going along with Argades' actions to keep from being completely destroyed by his armies.

Herwig: After five years of total control, he isn't fond of the idea that people are going to start fighting back.

Florence: In other words, the mission this time around is going to be to secure Schlarzer territory as an important foothold and make sure Argades can't take that area for himself.

Callisto: If he did find a way to completely control it, we would probably be in a pretty bad spot... We can use all the help we can get.

Tuncay: Which is the perfect reason for us to go on and take care of this as soon as possible. He's done enough as it is as far as I'm concerned.

Chris: I'm glad that we're all in agreement about what has to be done then. The fortress is stable for now, and if we can push back against Argades' attempts to control Schlarzer territory, we'll have yet another advantage on our side. Given the position we're in, we can use all the bonuses we can get.

Polly: I'm glad that we've got this under control then... I can only imagine this is going to be the first step to a complete victory.

Zelhira: If other nobles realize what's happening and that we're planning a revolution, then they could decide to join us. We can't say for sure, but this could be crucial to our cause.

Florence: You're right there. All the people that have been opposing the emperor quietly will finally be given the chance to come out of the woodworks and help us push back.

Callisto: I'm looking forward to this. This fight is already proving itself to be pretty difficult, so we can get all the help we can get.

Hegias: Of course, we have to actually succeed in this upcoming mission in order to get others on our side.

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