{Part Two: Crimson Flower} Chapter Nineteen: Delayed Defeat II

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When the month ends, You rise to your feet and in preparation for the upcoming mission. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: It's time for yet another rematch for us all... We're fighting against the nobles of House Lavellan-Indech again. I never thought we were going to have to face off against them like this a second time, but I guess I didn't think we would find ourselves in a situation that would be a repeat of the Battle of Garreg Mach.

You nod and say that You are more determined than ever to come out victorious.

Seraphine: I had a feeling you would say that. I'm looking forward to seeing what you're capable of during this fight then.

Seraphine fades away soon afterwards, and You take that as your cue to start moving in the direction of the cardinals' room. When You arrive, the Black Eagles are gathered there as usual, and You are glad to feel that the atmosphere is still lighter because of what was revealed during the previous moon.

Polly: There you are, Professor. I'm glad you're here.

Florence: It sounds like we're going to be ready to head out soon. Our plans are all in order like we were hoping.

Chris: All things considered, there's not all that much to keep in mind about this next fight. We just have to be careful and press on no matter what happens.

Aquillus: Because of all the other noble houses we've defeated, this should be much simpler than past battles have been.

Hegias: We can't let ourselves get caught up in that though. We never know when it could come back to bite us.

Tuncay: Plus, we were able to strike back at the emperor, so that means he's not going to be able to offer much help during this fight.

Callisto: In that case, what are we still doing around here? We should go out there and show them what we're made of!

Polly: I think everything else should already be in order. I did a brief scan before coming here to meet with you all.

Herwig: I believe you would be correct... We can leave whenever everyone is ready to start the next fight.

Zelhira: Our first fight since defeating Argades for the first time... I think we're going to be able to handle this well.

Chris: And I get the feeling you're thinking of more than just the fact that we already managed to defeat the emperor once.

Zelhira: You caught me. A lot has come to light in the last month, but I don't think it's something we should be complaining about.

Florence: I'm more than fine with it, let me assure you. This is something that we all were going to need to hear about sooner or later, and this is only going to make us better fighters.

Callisto: I'm with Florence on this one. I didn't think that keeping things from each other could influence our battle capabilities, but...

Polly: You feel lighter now, don't you? Like you're going to be able to do anything.

Hegias: I'm glad to know that it isn't just me who feels that way... I suppose the truth really can set you free.

Tuncay: And the truth that we're faced with right now is that we're going to do great in this fight against House Lavellan-Indech.

Aquillus: The emperor should still be licking his wounds from the attack he led on the monastery last month.

Herwig: In other words, we should be able to do this well without being stopped along the way.

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