{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Twenty: An Unmasked History II

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At the end of the moon, You begin to prepare for the mission at hand. Every move you make is slow and weighed down because of the information You received at the start of the month. It has been quite a while since Cyrus and Druilla revealed the truth to You about the faith of Seiros, but You have not been able to stop thinking about it ever since then.

Seraphine: I wonder if the other group with the knights has found anything that could lead them back to Aisa yet.

You shake your head and admit that You do not know.

Seraphine: I really hope we find out soon. I'm tired of just sitting here thinking about it without being able to do anything to fix it. Granted, I don't know if talking to Aisa will even help all of this, but... It has to do at least something.

You nod and say that You will just have to be patient in the meantime.

Seraphine: Unfortunately, you're right... At least we have a mission to busy ourselves with in the meantime.

You nod as You head down to the monastery's entrance. You meet the rest of your allies there, and You immediately realize that the air is just as intense and stifling as it was back in your room. Everyone is still thinking about what Cyrus and Druilla said even if they are not saying it out loud.

Cordelia: Alright, everyone... Now that we're all here, we should get going. We don't know what's waiting for us, but we have to be ready.

Eli: I wonder just who Evenor left when she was passing through this one facility... She must have had a reason to go there, but I can't for the life of me figure out what it could be.

Quinn: If I had to guess, I would say she has been going around to prominent researchers in Crest experimentation. If she hasn't been speaking with them, then she's been trying to teach others her craft.

Liram: She came and went from this one spot too quickly for her to have been teaching someone. She knows we're trying to find her, so she made her stop as brief as possible.

Morgana: We'll just have to wait and see where this takes us when we get there, I suppose. Hopefully, it will open up Magnolia to be able to come to the monastery that much sooner.

Calypso: I must admit that I'm surprised we still haven't seen any resistance from the Empire... We ventured into their territory ages ago now, but they haven't struck back at us.

Luciana: I'd be interested in learning why that is as well, but for now, we can just leave it be. As long as they're not trying to attack us, we should be fine. We can use this time to strike back at Evenor's allies, and after we return, we can begin to think about what our strategy should be for facing the Empire's army.

Quinn: Off we go then. We've talked enough, and I don't know if Evenor's friends will be willing to stay put for long enough for us to come up with another plan.

Cordelia: I don't know what they could be planning, but I hope we can figure it out sooner or later... I need today to shed a bit more light on all of it... Or maybe through some strange twist of fate, they'll have information we need about where to find Lady Aisa.

Reed: I don't know if Lady Aisa would be able to save this situation no matter what she told us when she came back to the monastery. Too much has happened, and she... She walked away from all of this willingly as far as I can tell. If she had been captured, it would be a different story, but...

Eli: We can save that for when we return. Right now, we need to stay focused. The battle awaits us.

You nod your agreement before the army gets on the road. Serpahine speaks to You as You leave the monastery in full.

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