{Part Two: Silver Snow} Chapter Fourteen: Long Sought Unity II

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When the moon reaches its end, You rise from slumber and prepare to make for the cardinals' room. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: Here we are... The day of our first official mission. I don't know what we can expect from this, but if all goes well, this should be a strong foot to start our fight on.

You nod and say that with the Knights of Seiros, You may be able to come up with a plan to push back sooner than expected.

Seraphine: And the sooner all of this is over, the better off everyone will be... For now, that starts with us going to find the others and hear what they have to say. Let's get to it.

You leave your room and make for the cardinals' room on the second floor of the monastery as Seraphine falls silent. Your comrades within the Church of Seiros are waiting for You when You arrive, all of them eyeing a map that has been spread out on the table.

Niko: We're set to be targeting this fort not far from the monastery. It seems as if Malice forces have overtaken it, but this should provide us with a perfect place to both reunite with the Knights of Seiros and continue to push back against our foes.

Herwig: In that case, I suppose all that we can do now is march in that direction. We don't want to lose track of this opportunity as long as we still have it.

Adrian: I agree... Though I must admit that something about all of this is bothering me. It's hard to put a finger on, but it feels as if something is wrong...

Roy: Captain Torryn sent us a letter in return once she heard from Niko, and I must say that her vagueness surrounding this fort is starting to strike me as strange.

Reese: Do you think that she's sending us there for reasons aside from it simply being a perfect place to reunite?

Jill: It's difficult to say for certain, but it wouldn't surprise me if she knew something that we aren't yet aware of. She's been doing a lot of good work recently to track down our foes.

Nesreen: We'll just have to be careful when we get there then. We can work out the details as we get closer, because suspicious behavior or not, we need to meet up with those reinforcements.

Aisa: I agree wholeheartedly. Let us be on our way so that we may reunite with them and return as soon as possible.

With that your allies set a course for the entrance of the monastery, off to see what is waiting for them in the fort that Cordelia has designated as the reunion point. However, You feel strangely about this given what You have heard previously. You wonder what could be so peculiar about this fort as You trail after your comrades.

You arrive in the vicinity of your destination a few hours later, and You look up to see a small fort on the horizon.

Nesreen: Well... Here we are. That certainly looks like the fort we've been searching for, though it seems somewhat empty.

Roy: Malice forces have been gathering there for quite some time now as far as I can tell. In other words, they're all holed up inside.

Jill: If they're hiding within the building, then they're going to have strong fortifications and the terrain on their side. This battle won't be easy.

Adrian: Captain Torryn seemed confident that we would be able to take them on if we fought together, and I have faith in her thoughts on the matter.

Herwig: If we can take the fortress from this side while the knights turn their focus to the other end of the building, we should have few issues reclaiming it.

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