{Part Two: Blackened Sun} Chapter Sixteen: A Reaching Hand II

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At the end of the moon, You rise from slumber and begin to prepare for the day. The sun is only starting to creep over the horizon, but You struggled to sleep the night before because of your anxiety over the mission.

Seraphine: This is it then... Today, we see if Cyrus was telling the truth. I certainly hope he was.

You nod and say that You will need to see when You arrive in the region he pointed out.

Seraphine: We can't let anything bad happen to Magnolia. I don't know how that would end, but... It wouldn't be good.

You nod once again, saying that You intend to do everything in your power to keep her safe.

Seraphine: I'm glad to hear it... I just hope it's enough.

You reach for your blade and tuck it away as You start for the door. You leave soon afterward, setting your sights on the cardinals' room. When You arrive, You find Eli and Quinn inside with Cyrus.

Eli: You're certain this is going to end as an assassination attempt?

Cyrus: Confident. But if you can get me over to Druilla, then I can get her to back down.

Eli: I understand. We'll do all that we can to escort you there.

Quinn: You had best understand though that if you try to betray us, we will do what is necessary to keep ourselves safe.

Cyrus: I know. I'm not going to put up a fight if that's what you're afraid of. I don't want to go back to all of that. I'm here to talk Druilla down so that she doesn't drive herself into the ground. If I don't get involved, then she's going to get herself killed, and I can't let that happen.

Eli: We understand. We will probably bring Druilla back to the monastery with us too so that we can ask her about what she knows regarding all of this.

Cyrus: Of course. I believe that would be for the best.

Quinn: If this mission goes poorly, then it could end with another attack on Fhirdiad, and we can hardly allow that to happen.

Eli: And it won't happen. We're here to stop it, and we'll do everything in our power to make sure the queen remains safe.

The rest of the Ashen Wolves arrive soon afterward.

Ernst: I see you decided to get an early start on the day. I can't blame you. I was so anxious I could barely sleep last night.

Gabriel: I think all of us feel the same way... But we're here now, and we know what we have to do. Is everything in order?

Quinn: It is. The instant we're ready to set out, we can begin marching on Faerghus.

Ansel: Then I would suggest we get started. The sooner we can stop all of this from happening, the better.

Grey: Our enemies needed some time to prepare everything in order to launch an attack like this, but they're going to be putting it into motion soon.

Taiyin: All the more reason for us to get out there and get rid of them once and for all... Though I have an awful feeling about all of this.

Cyrus: The other fighters are the ones you should be worried about. Druilla will listen if I tell her to back down, but those at her side...

Saias: The leaders of all this would want to put those loyal to the cause around a potential traitor to force her in line, I suppose.

Tsubasa: I don't understand why they wouldn't just get rid of her in the first place if she was such a risk of treachery.

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