{Part Two: Crimson Flower} Chapter Eighteen: Ideals of the False I

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At the start of the next moon, You awaken and decide to head to the cardinals' room. There is a small frown on your face as You begin to get ready, something that does not go unnoticed by Seraphine.

Seraphine: I wonder if we're going to be able to talk to the others about what happened with Arthur before... He's gone now, and that means all previous concerns about striking an alliance with House Riverbane are gone too. Hopefully that should be a good step towards making progress in the rest of the war.

You say that You still find yourself concerned, thinking about how You have never seen Chris act that way before.

Seraphine: She's changed since we were last awake... All of them have. A lot has happened over the last five years, and I suppose it makes sense that they would grow up a little bit in the time that we were gone.

You comment on how it seems like Chris' personality has changed entirely since then.

Seraphine: Yeah... I suppose it has... We've missed out on a lot because of our extended slumber. I don't know what we're supposed to do about any of it though... The war is still happening, and there's not much we can do to stop it.

You say that You want to keep fighting with everything. You have to try and help those who are suffering regardless of how much has changed since You were last conscious.

Seraphine: That's a noble goal... And it's certainly one I can get behind too. We should do what we can to follow through with that no matter how tough things are from here on out.

You nod and make your way up to the cardinals' room. When You arrive, the Black Eagles are there as expected. They are gathered around a map that shows the continent, and You greet them kindly as You fall in among their ranks.

Polly: It seems as if we're hardly the only group of fighters across the continent that have seen significant progress as of late.

Florence: The Alliance is getting closer than ever before to being free of Malice control... I'm glad to hear that we're not the only ones fighting back.

Aquillus: Things have been going well within the Kingdom as well... It's been a bit slower there due to a few unfortunate factors, but progress is being made regardless.

Callisto: It sounds to me like the Alliance is over halfway to figuring out everything when it comes to what's happening with Malice... We should be able to hopefully meet up with Raithius soon and get his help when it comes to pushing forward.

Herwig: I'm hoping the same will happen with the Kingdom as well. Magnolia has certainly made it clear that she won't be tolerating opposition in these dark times, and she's going to do what she can to free her nation of corruption as well.

Hegias: I guess we're the only ones who still have a lot of work ahead of ourselves then... But we've been fighting an uphill battle on levels they couldn't have ever imagined.

Tuncay: And yet, we've still been seeing success. I mean, we've been pressing on with enough speed to be able to take out two noble houses already.

Zelhira: And if I had to guess, I would say that we're going to keep trying to defeat those nobles as we press forward to the next part of the war.

Chris: We most certainly will. I'm not sure which territory we're going to be targeting next, but it will be a noble from somewhere within the Empire. We're going to strike as quickly as possible to make sure that nobody is able to mount a counterattack. That strategy certainly worked in our favor last time.

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