{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Twenty-Six: To Distant Wing II

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At the end of the moon, You awaken from your slumber and begin to prepare for the battle to come.

Seraphine: This is it then... We're finally going to march into the Empire.

You say that You are looking forward to seeing the Black Eagles once again.

Seraphine: I feel the same way... I hope all of them are alright. It's been too long since we last saw them.

You nod and say that You hope they are doing well after what happened five years ago.

Seraphine: Our reunion is going to be on the bitter side, isn't it...? We're going to meet with the Black Eagles again after all this time, but I don't think it'll be as perfect as we were hoping... After all, we're still going to be missing the house leader.

You tell Seraphine that You are worried about everything to come given the circumstances.

Seraphine: I am too... We don't know what to expect from the aftermath of this battle. Does anyone have a plan for what to do to with the Empire if we don't have a proper heir to install in Argades' place?

You shake your head and say that You are choosing to trust Liram with his current conclusions about the battle to come.

Seraphine: I suppose that's our only option at the moment... Let's go and see what the others have to say about all of this.

You leave your room and make your way up to the front of the monastery. You arrive soon afterward and see the rest of your allies gathered there in preparation for the attack to come. You greet your allies as You approach them.

Liram: Alright... Now that the professor is here, we're almost ready to leave.

Cordelia: Do we know how we're going to handle this fight?

Liram: We're going to charge into Einem territory and see what happens from there. The rebels will be meeting us there, and they can catch us up on their plan from the last few months.

Raithius: I hope you're right. I'd feel a lot better about moving forward if we had a plan as we prepare to move toward Enbarr.

Magnolia: I'm sure the rebels have something in mind for what to do next... At the very least, that's what I'm hoping for.

Morgana: I know I can trust them with this. All of you can too. I understand things are uncertain at the moment, but this is our best option at the moment.

Liram: We can do this. I'm sure of it. I'm certain the rebels will be able to help us going forward.

You nod and say that You are looking forward to seeing the Black Eagles.

Cordelia: I think all of us are... It's been too long since we last had the chance to gather all of the Officers Academy's students in one place again.

Eli: Though it will be a little bit bittersweet... I suppose there's nothing to be done about it.

You say that You want to make the most of this even if You know Chris cannot be there. It is what she would want as far as You are concerned.

Raithius: Yeah... You're right. We can't get too caught up in our grief when the war still needs to be ended. Let's get ready to finish this. The fall of House Einem is our first step to defeating the emperor, and we can't afford to slip up now.

Magnolia: The rebellion will be upset if we leave them alone to handle the battle to come... Let's go and meet with them. I'm sure they've been looking forward to this for as long as we have.

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