{Part Two: Blackened Sun} Chapter Twenty-Two: Scheme of Salvation I

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At the start of the next moon, You rise from your slumber slowly. You rub at your eyes in a bid to banish your drowsiness, but You are still exhausted from everything that happened after the previous battle. Seraphine speaks to You as You force yourself through the motions of getting ready for the day to come.

Seraphine: I still can't believe Janae is really awake again... I was starting to fear we would never get the chance to talk to her again.

You nod and say that You are happy as well. In truth though, it does not even feel real to know that she is alright.

Seraphine: I suppose the best way for us to fix that problem would be to talk to her a bit more... But in order to do that, we're going to need to go to meet with the other Ashen Wolves to prepare for what's to come next. After all, no one is going to be safe until Belenio has been taken out of the picture, and I don't want to leave him be for any longer than we need to.

You nod once more and make your way up to the cardinals' room. There, You find the Ashen Wolves gathered together as is to be expected. Eli smiles up at You when he realizes You have arrived.

Eli: Ah, Professor. I'm glad to see you. We were just planning out what we're going to do with the next few weeks.

Ernst: It seems like we can plan on there only being two more battles left... We can move forward in one main charge once we've gotten rid of Belenio.

Gabriel: And now that we finally have an inkling of where he's going to be, we can prepare for our next few steps.

Grey: In all honesty, I would say this is the best position we've been in since the war started. That's impressive.

Taiyin: I just hope it doesn't fall apart... Belenio certainly caused problems for us in the past, and leaving him alone will make things worse for all of us.

Saias: Then we can just take care of him before he has the chance to cause any problems for the rest of the world.

Magnus: I'm glad to hear we've at least got some degree of stability on our side... All that remains now is actually doing it.

Quinn: At the moment, we're looking through everything left behind in Evenor's old lab. Most of it doesn't seem like it'll help us, but we've got enough information given the circumstances.

Ansel: Most of the files seem to detail her extensive experimentation on her victims... It's twisted and sickening.

Tsubasa: At least we're in a position to look after the victims of experimentation now. That wasn't the case earlier in the war.

Eli: We know where to find Belenio, and that's what matters most. We can do more to help the victims that survived while we plan to track him down.

Magnus: Belenio has to know there's no escape for him at this point. We know where he is, and he has no allies remaining.

Saias: I somehow doubt that's going to stop him... He's a bit too stubborn for his own good if you ask me.

Grey: That's true. Still, we can figure out a way to get rid of him soon enough. I'll be looking forward to it, as a matter of fact.

Taiyin: We've got a lot to handle right now, but we'll find a way out of it. Between the experimentation victims and Belenio's plans...

Ansel: At least Belenio is on his back foot. The war is almost over, and that puts us at a great advantage.

Gabriel: Everything is much easier now that we have so many extra allies on our side. That bodes very well for us.

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