{Part Two: Crimson Flower} Chapter Twenty-One: Sinner's End I

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At the start of the following moon, You rise from bed and stretch your arms above your head as Seraphine manifests and speaks to You.

Seraphine: At the end of this month, it'll be time... We'll go and do what we can to find Evenor. She may have gotten away before now, but it's all about to fall apart for her. I can feel it.

You say that You are going to find the answers that You have sought for so long too.

Seraphine: This is going to be our last chance to hear what we have to know... After all, Evenor is... She's not going to be around to answer our questions after we're finished with her.

You tell her that at the very least, You have Chris on your side to make this much easier than it would have been otherwise.

Seraphine: That much is true... I can only hope that will be enough for us to figure out everything that we need to know about this.

You nod and start to walk to the cardinals' room as Seraphine vanishes. You arrive at the cardinals' room and find the Black Eagles gathered inside as is to be expected. You ask how they are doing.

Zelhira: Rather well. The monastery is back in order now, and that means it's time for us to turn our focus to the subject at hand.

Aquillus: The Knights of Seiros are still figuring out what's going on in terms of where Evenor could be.

Callisto: At the very least, they're doing as much as they can to search for us, and that means we're making progress already.

Florence: I hope that we're able to figure out where she is... After all, she can't be allowed to roam freely any longer.

Tuncay: I hate to think about what might happen if she gets her hands on anyone else right now...

Polly: She wouldn't be able to conduct any experiments, if that's what you're worried about. I highly doubt the place she fled to in a panic has the equipment she needs to carry out something like that.

Herwig: We'll stop her before something like that can happen. I'm going to make sure of it no matter what.

Hegias: I hope that you're right... As much as I hate to admit it, she's dangerous. If we let her go for too much longer...

Chris: We won't. We know what we're doing, and we're going to use that to our advantage. As soon as we find her, everything is going to be over for her. I'm going to promise that to all of you here and now, and I fully expect you to hold me to it when the time comes.

Zelhira: I'm glad to hear it... Is there anything else that you think we should know in the meantime?

Chris: Not particularly. Everything is going smoothly now that everyone is moved in. It feels strange to have so many people in the monastery once again, but I think that it's going to work out well for us.

Callisto: In a way, it's like everything is back to the way it was before the monastery fell five years ago.

Hegias: I'm glad that everyone has settled in alright... I understand that it's a big change to go through so suddenly.

Florence: But we're more than happy to have them with us. They're going to be a huge help as we focus on fighting Evenor.

Tuncay: I bet I can guess what we're going to be doing once Evenor is gone in a single try... Hm... Let me think... Bazler?

Chris: You would be correct. He's been hiding somewhere on the continent for the last few years. Our attack on his territory five years ago was enough to force him to start hiding, and that means that we have to figure out where he is now. Of course, as long as we have as many others on our side as we do now, that shouldn't be much of a problem.

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