{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Thirty-One: Rising From Shadows II

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At the end of the moon, You awaken from your slumber and begin to prepare for the battle ahead. You gather your supplies as Seraphine speaks to You.

Seraphine: I wonder if this will finally be it... Will we find Evenor after all this time?

You say that You hope You can find her so she can reveal the secrets of your past.

Seraphine: Talking to Samiya has only opened a few other questions... I wonder if Aisa would be able to shed a bit of light on that. I mean, I sort of doubt it, but... If we can't get any of the answers we're searching for this time, it wouldn't hurt for us to ask her about it.

You nod your agreement. You think Evenor is the main person who will be able to tell You about the past You knew in the Imperial capital, and You can only hope she is willing to share more about that.

Seraphine: I was content to let that subject go after we heard the truth from Chris, but... I don't think I can do that anymore. After what Samiya said, all I want to do is keep following this point until it leads us somewhere better.

You say that You are determined to learn everything there is to know about your past regardless of how brutal it is.

Seraphine: I can only hope we're ready for that... For now, we should go meet with the others. I imagine they'll all be wondering where we went.

You nod and go downstairs. When You arrive at the front of the monastery, You find your allies there waiting for You. Once there, You greet them.

Chris: This is it then... We're finally going to put an end to Evenor's constant habit of running away.

Raithius: I hope so... We've been chasing her for so long, and I've had more than enough of it.

Magnolia: I want to think this will finally be the end of it, but we won't know for certain until after we pin her down. Will she even want to talk to us when we do that?

You say that You are going to make sure Evenor shares all she knows no matter what it takes.

Cordelia: I'm glad you're so confident in this, Professor... We can certainly use a little bit of that strength going forward.

You vow to do everything in your power to end the battle swiftly once You find Evenor.

Aisa: Then I see no reason to linger here any longer... If she truly is where we have been led to believe she is, then we must greet her in combat as soon as possible.

You nod, ignoring the way your hands shake at the mention of having to fight Evenor again.

Eli: Off to the Empire it is then... I can only hope this ends well for us. I don't want to have to fight any more than is absolutely necessary.

You and the rest of your forces set out from Garreg Mach soon afterward. The world is a blur around You, and You do not try to bring it into focus. Instead, You concentrate only on putting one foot in front of the other as they bring You ever nearer to your destination. Your heart is racing in your chest, and You have no idea how to calm it. You do not know for certain if You can expect to find Evenor there, but You are hoping even so.

When You arrive in the Empire, You set your sights on a small dilapidated building in the distance. It seems to be your target, and the sight of it is enough to send a small jolt of excitement racing through your body. You begin to approach the building, only stopping when the rest of your allies do the same

Eli: This is the place our informants said they saw Evenor... Though it looks to be abandoned.

Cordelia: I don't know if I would trust appearances on something like this. She could very easily be hiding in there and just waiting for the right moment to strike. She has been known to deceive friend and foe alike in the name of reaching her goals.

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