{Part Two: Crimson Flower} Chapter Seventeen: Blood of the Imperial I

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At the start of the next moon, You rise to your feet to prepare for the day. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: I wonder what the next mission is going to have in store for us... We were able to take care of House Einem last moon, though it seems like we still have more problems to solve than solutions to the issues the war has brought on.

You say that hopefully receiving the support of others in the Empire will lessen the impact slightly.

Seraphine: I hope you're right... I don't want to have to deal with the kickback of this any more than we already have... For now though, I guess we had better go to see what plans the Black Eagles have in store for us for this upcoming moon, huh? I bet Chris and Polly have already figured out what our next mission is going to be.

You nod and walk to the cardinals' room, Seraphine's voice falling silent. Just as expected, the Black Eagles are there and ready when You arrive. You greet them before shifting your attention to the map atop the table at the center of the room.

Polly: Our destination this month is yet another noble house that has sided with Malice since the start of the war.

Zelhira: It seems like there are more of those than any of us would like to acknowledge...

Chris: This time though... It's going to be House Wessin.

Herwig: I had the feeling it was going to end this way sooner or later...

Hegias: Are you okay with that though...? I know this is a bad situation for all of us, but...

Herwig: I'm here because I want to try and make a difference towards ending the war as soon as possible. If that means fighting my blood family, then so be it. I haven't had contact with them in years to begin with.

Callisto: I suppose that seals what we're going to be doing from here then.

Florence: Then we had better get ready for it. Fighting against noble territories... It's not easy.

Tuncay: I can't believe we still don't have other allies to back us up as we get ready to enter the next stages of the war.

Aquillus: I suppose a lot of them are still shuffling their feet when it comes to actually joining the fray...

Polly: As a matter of fact, we've received reports that we might get outside help from House Riverbane soon. Apparently, some of their soldiers are mobilizing for something, and given the circumstances, I think there's only one thing they could be trying to contribute to.

Zelhira: I don't know about you, but I am not looking forward to having to associate with your brother if that is the case.

Polly: I'm not looking forward to it either. Maybe we'll get lucky and he won't show up at all.

Hegias: I somehow doubt we're going to get that lucky... We'll just have to be ready to handle it.

Chris: For now, we already know what has to be done in terms of us pushing back against House Wessin.

Florence: We should be able to round off our preparations and go to take care of that soon enough then.

Herwig: I hope we're able to find allies along the way... We can only fight on our own for so long.

Callisto: We're doing well enough for ourselves for now at the very least... But help had better get here soon.

Aquillus: We'll keep preparing and do what we can to push through what we have to do next. That's our best option.

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