{Part Two} Tales of the Dead (Zelhira x Callisto)

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 You find Zelhira at the front of the monastery packing supplies into a bag. You are about to approach her, but You are cut off when Callisto walks up to her before You have the chance.

Callisto: Hey there, Zelhira. What are you up to?

Zelhira: A-Ah, um... I'm packing for a brief trip away from the monastery.

Callisto: What kind of trick? Why haven't you told anybody?

Zelhira: W-Well... It's a somewhat personal matter, I'm afraid. I was hoping to keep it quiet if possible.

Callisto: Well, that didn't work out the way you had hoped. You just have to say something now.

Zelhira: I suppose so... The truth is... I'm going to a place I used to live at one point.

Callisto: You mean... Before you lived in House Schlarzer?

Zelhira: Exactly. I... I suppose I was taken by a recent urge to go back there, and I couldn't help myself. I just had to head out and do something there.

Callisto: If you're heading out, then I'm going to come with you.

Zelhira: What? I don't know if that's such a good idea...

Callisto: You're not going to stop me. I can't just let you wander out there alone when we're at war. I have to do something to make sure you stay out of trouble, so I might as well.

Zelhira: I suppose you're right... I take it that others in our group are going to want to join us as well.

Callisto: Of course. You're kidding yourself if you think we're going to just let you go at this alone. The professor is worried too... Aren't you, Professor?

Your eyes go wide, and You admit that You did not realize they were aware of your presence.

Callisto: I was, at the very least. Either way, it doesn't matter now. What do you say to us taking a little field trip to wherever Zelhira wants to go?

You say that You would be happy to tag along.

Callisto: Perfect! You know what you have to do now, Zelhira.

Zelhira: I had been hoping to keep you out of this...

Callisto: What was that?

Zelhira: N-Nothing. Come on. We have other places to be now.

You follow Zelhira out of the monastery once preparations have been completed.

A few hours later, You find yourself in a somewhat secluded area of the Empire, a place surrounded by trees. There is a massive field at the center of the woods, and You glance around at the natural beauty that surrounds You.

Callisto: So... This is where you wanted to go?

Zelhira: Precisely.

Callisto: I thought you said you were going back to your old home... This place seems rather empty to me.

Zelhira: At one point, there were many mages here... It was a village filled to the brim with magic, and everyone here had some innate talent or another when it came to the arcane arts. There was no better place to see the full power of magic on display.

Callisto: Wow... That sounds incredible... And yet, there's nothing left here now but a massive field.

Zelhira: Times have changed significantly since the days of this place's glory... All that's left are the remnants of a few ruined buildings and the plants that have overtaken them.

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