{Part Two: Crimson Flower} Chapter Fourteen: Surge I

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A few weeks later, You have gathered alongside the Black Eagles in the cathedral to admire your handiwork. You have just finished cleaning the monastery, doing your best to restore it to its former glory.

Chris: I'm glad to see we were able to make so much progress in so little time. It's impressive, I must admit.

Zelhira: When we actually got to working on it, everything was a lot easier than I thought it would be.

Florence: This is the monastery I know and love... You know, the hole in the ceiling in here notwithstanding.

Tuncay: I think that fixing that and the stature are a bit above our pay grade, but we've done a lot of good already.

Herwig: I'm sure there will be others more than capable of restoring that segment of the monastery in the future.

Aquillus: And since we were able to take care of that, I think it's time for us to start thinking about doing something in terms of the war.

Callisto: You're right on that. We've got a lot left to take care of before we're going to be able to take back the Empire, so we had better get started.

Polly: Luckily for us, I already have an idea of where we should start when it comes to pushing back.

Hegias: Don't hold out on us then. Where do you think we should be attacking first?

Chris: There's a fortress not far from here that was taken over by Malice forces not long after the war began. I think we should start off by going there and doing what we can to force them out of it. The place was abandoned up until the war began, so if we can take it back, that's going to be a major point in our favor.

Florence: That sounds like a good plan... Where are we supposed to start though? In case you haven't already noticed, there are only a few of us.

Chris: Others from five years ago have started streaming back to the monastery. It seems us taking up residence here caught the attention of others who once lived here.

Polly: On top of that, my older sister will be joining us here. I sent her a message once we settled down here, and she should be here later today.

Zelhira: My father will be joining us as well. To say the least, he was rather surprised about the idea of us starting a rebellion.

Tuncay: I think that's a great start... But we're going to need a lot more than that if we really want to start a war and have a chance of winning.

Herwig: I must agree. The Empire has the largest army on the continent, doubly so now that Argades von Doroftie is in control. This will be no easy feat, especially with so few of us.

Chris: We're starting small for now, but I'm hoping we'll be able to put together a flag everyone can rally behind. The Empire has been in a state of struggle for a long time, so we had better get started when it comes to pulling everything back together.

Aquillus: I suppose you're right... In that case, our first step is going to be to prepare for this upcoming battle.

Callisto: I'm sure we'll be able to figure out a plan with the help of the people who are starting to arrive here. We're already making good progress.

Hegias: We've got a long fight ahead of us... But I'm already feeling more confident since we're back together again.

Chris: It's been a long time... I'm glad to see you all again. I've missed you more than words could ever describe.

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