{Part Two: Silver Snow} Chapter Twenty: Writhing Shadows I

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You awaken at the start of the next moon and begin to prepare for the day ahead. Seraphine speaks to You along the way as per usual.

Seraphine: I feel much better now that we've had a bit of time to rest, but... I can't help feeling as if we should be continuing the search for Evenor, especially after everything we found last moon.

You nod your agreement, saying that You want to do all You can to help those who have been left to suffer by her past actions.

Seraphine: Maybe the others will have heard of any rumors that might point us in her direction. At this point, I think that anything would be helpful.

You nod once more before starting to move towards the cardinals' room. When You arrive, Cordelia and Roy are each holding a single piece of paper that You notice is a letter upon closer examination.

Nesreen: What I'm hearing from all of this is that Raithius and Magnolia have been in correspondence as well.

Niko: It certainly seems that way, though if you ask me, that's just going to end up helping us in the long run.

You ask what they are talking about.

Roy: We've received letters from both Magnolia and Raithius about potentially meeting up to provide reinforcements to one another.

Herwig: It seems as if they've finished with cleaning out the powers of Malice within Faerghus and Leicester respectively.

Reese: Which means that we've won the alliances we've been looking for, and we have a plan to get them too.

Jill: Both armies are going to need a bit more time to recuperate before we can fully come together and start charging forward, so we're going to meet up in a few weeks.

Cordelia: They suggested that we meet up in Gronder Field in the Empire before marching back to the monastery.

Adrian: In other words, we're going to be preparing ourselves for a battle in that area to try and free the Empire from Argades' control.

Aisa: The rebellion has been making more progress as of late, but we still must tread carefully if we wish to see victory in this battle.

Roy: That's true. We have no idea what he's going to do when we find ourselves in Empire territory, and we need to be careful.

Nesreen: Then we'll do all that we can to prepare for marching south over the next few weeks. With three armies combined, we'll be able to make quite a few significant strides.

Adrian: The plan has been settled. I think this is a great way for us to prepare for our proper march on the southern half of Fódlan.

Niko: As long as we're moving south, we might run into the rebels that have been trying to fight back against Argades up to this point too.

Herwig: As soon as they realize why it is that we're in Adrestia to begin with, I have no doubt that they'll try to help us out where they can.

Reese: Getting to Enbarr to eliminate Argades isn't going to be easy, I'm afraid. His defenses are simply too strong for us to charge ahead recklessly.

Jill: Then we'll handle this with all the care it merits even though it's not going to be simple. We need him gone sooner rather than later... Him and all of his accomplices.

You ask if any of them know where Evenor has disappeared to in the aftermath of her departure from the experiment building from the last battle.

Cordelia: I'm still trying to do all I can to learn more about her, but I'm afraid I haven't been able to track her down yet. The longer she remains at large, the worse our chances are, but finding her is much easier said than done.

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