{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Fourteen: Reaching Beyond

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About a week after your arrival at the monastery, You and the rest of your improvised party have cleared out Garreg Mach of the many signs of disarray that came to rule it over the last five years. It took quite some time to cut through the various plants that consumed the walls or the stones that had been knocked astray in the Battle of Garreg Mach, but You still find yourself proud with how much progress You have managed to make in such a short timeframe. With that in mind, You stand in front of the monastery with your allies, having just finished another sweep of the area.

Luciana: I'm impressed with just how much we were able to accomplish in such a short timeframe. I never would have thought we would be able to clear out the monastery so soon.

Calypso: I agree that Garreg Mach was hardly in good condition when we first arrived here... But there's always hope for us to make things better, and we have certainly succeeded in that aim already.

Liram: And on top of that, we were able to get our hands on a few extra allies. There are a lot more people who will be able to join us from now on than I would have thought.

Morgana: Before we go to meet with our new allies in the nearby village, I think we should talk through all the messages we've sent out and received over the last few days. We did a lot to reach out to the three nations, after all.

Liram: First and foremost, I was able to get in contact with the Knights of Seiros. They should be ready to join us soon, though they will need another month to finish their current investigation and come meet with us.

Calypso: They found a lead that they believe could lead them to Lady Aisa, didn't they?

Liram: They did. They've been searching for her constantly ever since the Battle of Garreg Mach five years ago, but they've never been able to find her. They believe she's alive though, and I'm willing to trust them on that.

Luciana: I would like to believe Lady Aisa is alive as well... It would be nice to have her leadership at our sides going forward. She could inspire many people to our side, and we could use the extra boost in morale.

Morgana: I don't know if they'll be able to find her though... There's a lot that will go into this search of theirs, and they may not even be successful. Lady Aisa... She may not even still be alive.

Calypso: There's also the chance she was abducted by an enemy of ours. She's one of the most important people on the continent, so if she was taken by the Empire's forces during the final battle, then we would have no way of knowing. If Argades wanted to keep that a secret, then he certainly would have had the means to do so.

Luciana: Regardless, it will be a while longer before we can rendezvous with the Knights of Seiros and recruit them to our sides. We should do our best to pressforward even if they are unavailable to come to us right now.

Calypso: We should be able to count on meeting up with Raithius and the rest of the old Golden Deer class soon too. I sent a message out to Wolfgang to try and see how things are back in Derdriu, and she said they should be able to come and see us soon.

Luciana: The same applies to the personal guard of the queen. She wanted to be able to come here so she could expand her reach slightly when pushing back against her enemies. SHe thought it would be safer to fight from the monastery rather than out of the capital.

Calypso: Given the high number of assassination attempts she has had to face over the years, I can hardly blame her for deciding she needs a change of scenery.

Morgana: The rebellion from the Empire is still uncertain as to if they will be joining us... I suppose they're struggling to grapple with the potential advantages and drawbacks of that.

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