{Part Two: Blackened Sun} Chapter Fourteen: Shrouded in Shadow II

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When the end of the month arrives, You prepare for the battle ahead along with the rest of your allies. Seraphine speaks to You before your room.

Seraphine: I guess this is it... Our first real mission since coming back from the dead. I hope we're going to be ready to face it.

You tell her that You were able to survive the bandit attack just fine, and that has to count for something.

Seraphine: I know that. I guess I'm just a bit worried about it anyway. I mean, Malice soldiers were the ones who caused the world to fall apart five years ago. I have no doubt they'll be far stronger than just a group of bandits hiding out in the monastery.

You nod your agreement and assure her that You will give the fight everything You have.

Seraphine: I know you will. Just be careful to not push yourself, okay? I know how much you want to find Evenor and Janae after all this time away, but I don't want you to cross any lines by accident.

You shake your head and tell her that You will be fine.

Seraphine: I'm counting on you to keep to that promise. Now, let's go and find the others.

You head to the cardinals' room, and You see the Ashen Wolves gathered inside. Eli is looking at the same map he was examining earlier in the month.

Eli: Alright. This is where we're going to be striking first. After some deliberation, I have found the circumstances in the Kingdom to be slightly more dire than the Alliance, and I believe we should attack there first to try and clear a path to the capital.

Ernst: That's not going to be easy. Even the other nobles of Faerghus have been turning against the queen over the last few years.

Magnus: Still, she's in the worse situation out of the two rulers we can still count on, and the sooner we can get to her, the sooner we can march on the Empire.

Gabriel: I'm not looking forward to having to think about marching on Enbarr, though I suppose we can take things one day at a time for now.

Tsubasa: I would just advise that we be as careful as possible when we move forward. We're going to have to pass through Leicester when we leave the monastery.

Ansel: Tsubasa is right. Leicester is the only territory one can reach when leaving the monastery directly, so we need to avoid any enemies until we can get out of there.

Quinn: We already have a route mapped out, though we should proceed with caution to ensure we aren't attacked from behind along the way.

Taiyin: Alright... As long as we have everything figured out, I suppose there's no reason for us to stick around here any longer, huh?

Saias: This is going to be a significant step above fighting bandits to clear out the monastery... I can only hope we're ready for what is bound to come next.

Grey: Abyss has managed to survive for the last five years without being completely toppled, and that has to say something about our strength levels. We can't falter now.

Eli: We can assess the danger when we arrive at our destination. In the meantime, I would simply ask everyone to be as careful as possible so that we don't get hurt. We can hardly win a war when we've been torn apart by our foes, after all.

Magnus: Very optimistic, Eli.

Quinn: We know what we have to do. Let's march out and get to it.

You follow the Ashen Wolves to the front of the monastery, and Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: It's somewhat comforting to know they're as nervous about this as we are... I know we're going to find a way to come out on top since we can't just trip at the first obstacle, but this... It's so different from everything we're used to. Even five years ago, we were fighting as part of the church, so we had many more reinforcements at our backs.

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