{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Thirty-Two: Eternally Unforgiven II

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At the end of the moon, You awaken from your slumber and begin to prepare for the day ahead. Seraphine manifests and speaks to You in the silence.

Seraphine: This is the big day then... We're finally going to confront Thaddeus Bazler.

You ask if Seraphine is ready for this.

Seraphine: I'm as ready as I can be... I have a lot of hatred for that man, and I'm very excited to let it all out.

You nod your agreement with a small smile.

Seraphine: What about you? Are you nervous?

You confess that You are looking forward to this, but You are concerned about how it will end at the same time.

Seraphine: Everything will be fine. It has to be. We'll do what we have to in order to win this battle.

You nod, and You start to make your way to the front of the monastery. The rest of your allies are waiting for You there, and the atmosphere is tense but excited. Everyone is looking forward to doing what they must in this battle, and You can hardly blame them.

Cordelia: That should be everything... All that's left for us to do is follow the path and make sure Bazler pays for everything he has done.

You say that You will do whatever is necessary to win this fight.

Chris: I'm glad to hear it. I know you're not the only one who feels that way.

Raithius: He's not going to make this easy for us... Especially if he's being backed up by the other forces from the capital. Argades isn't going to be happy with everything we're doing here, and we had better be ready to run into his allies in this fight.

Magnolia: Part of me worries we may run into Argades himself... It doesn't feel out of the question for him to follow us to the battlefield to try and destroy us before we can reach Enbarr.

Chris: He's not going to do that. In all my time raising hell in the Empire, he rarely left Enbarr. He would send out other groups to do his dirty work for him, but he didn't bother with stepping out and causing problems on his own. He was waiting for us to fall into one of his traps... And Enbarr is the perfect place to lure people in.

Eli: In other words, we should be safe during this battle, but when the time comes to march on Enbarr...

Chris: We're going to have a lot more to worry about. We need to be ready for it, but right now, we should focus only on taking care of Bazler. He's the more pressing problem.

You nod and declare that You are ready whenever the rest of the army is.

Aisa: Then let us be off... This battle will be a challenging one. I can already feel it.

You begin the journey to Bazler's estate in the Empire. You frown as You travel the familiar path. Five years ago, You had been hoping that Bazler would never have the chance to raise a weapon to anyone ever again, but times have changed greatly since then. Now, Bazler is in power, and he has more strength than You could have ever imagined. You will simply have to clean up the mess he left behind by being alive, and You are more than happy to make this into a trap he cannot escape.

When You arrive at your destination, You glance around with a small frown. You remember the battlefield from your initial charge into Bazler territory, and You can only hope this is the last time You ever have to come to a place this wretched.

Chris: Here we are... Bazler shouldn't be far from here.

You ask where he is specifically.

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