{Part Two: Blackened Sun} Chapter Fourteen: Shrouded in Shadow I

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A few weeks later, You and the Ashen Wolves stand together in the cathedral. Your work to restore the monastery has been mostly completed, and You feel your chest swell with pride at the sight of your achievements.

Ernst: That took a lot longer than I was expecting it to, I must admit... The bandits destroyed this place a lot more than we realized.

Grey: At least we were able to sift through the chaos to make something out of it all. I would say we did a great job.

Magnus: All that remains now is for our little rebellion to come up with a plan to actually rebel against the powers trying to kill us.

Eli: I think we should start off by carving out a small foothold for ourselves. We're surrounded on all sides at the moment, and we need to fix that.

Ansel: I agree. There are many smaller fortresses near here that we could strike at to give ourselves a bit more leeway.

Quinn: I believe it would be best if we struck at Faerghus or Leicester first. Given the current state of the Empire...

Taiyin: I agree. We should stay as far away from the Empire for as long as we're able to avoid going there.

Saias: There should be a map around here somewhere for us to use to plan out our first move now that we're all here.

Tsubasa: Then we can get right down to business now that we've fixed our issues here. With the monastery back together, we have other matters to focus on.

Gabriel: Are you all ready for this? I know this won't be an easy battle for us to win. There are so many soldiers out there...

Grey: We at least have to try. We're never going to be safe again if we don't at least try to fix all of this.

Ansel: I have to wonder where all of the soldiers came from, to be quite frank with you. I never would have thought there would be so many of them waiting to strike.

Quinn: Discontent with the royals and nobles has been growing for a long time. I suppose it was just a matter of time before it happened this way.

Gabriel: At least we can be here to keep everyone safe from the fighting. It may have taken a long time, but we're here now.

Saias: That all starts with us finding a foothold so we can move outward. As long as there's a fort for us to claim, we can go ahead with that.

Eli: I'll start to draft up the plans as soon as possible. Until then, I think we should try to make the most of our current situation.

Magnus: I believe the monastery isn't anywhere near as empty as we thought it was going to be at this point.

Tsubasa: A bunch of old students and other people from the monastery have come back to visit. They've got good timing.

You say they are likely here because of the promise of a class reunion years ago among your other students.

Taiyin: I'm glad you made that agreement now. That's certainly going to make our jobs a lot easier.

Ernst: We should welcome them in. We have quite a bit to explain to them about our next steps, after all.

Eli: Of course. I'll be sure to let everyone know where we're going as soon as I have a plan figured out. In the meantime, explore the monastery. We worked hard to reach this point, and we deserve to enjoy it.

The Ashen Wolves file out of the cathedral, and You follow them with Seraphine's voice echoing in your mind.

Seraphine: Now that the monastery has been reconstructed, we can turn our attention to other matters... Hopefully, we can use this chance to find out where Evenor and Janae are.

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