{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Thirty: From Blood and Bone II

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At the end of the moon, You awaken from your slumber and begin to prepare for the day ahead. Your body is moving slowly, but You force it to continue onward knowing what is coming next. You are going to find the Relics, and when You do, You will finally have the extra force You need to claim victory in this battle.

Seraphine: This is it then... I can only hope the Relics are worth the time we need to spend to go out and find them. I don't know what I'm going to do if that's not the case.

You tell her that everything will be fine. You are certain of it.

Seraphine: I'm glad you're confident in this at least... All it really makes me want to do is turn my attention on the Empire. I don't want to wait any longer than we already have.

You tell her that the time will come to attack Enbarr soon enough. You are certain of it.

Seraphine: I suppose you're right... Okay then. Let's go see what the others have to say about this.

You nod and start to walk up to the front of the monastery. When You arrive there, You find the rest of your allies standing together. You ask them if they are prepared for the battle to come.

Chris: I believe we are... We know what needs to be done, and so long as we are able to carry it out, everything will be fine.

Aisa: I know where we should look for these weapons. We will be able to find them soon enough.

Raithius: I hope you're right... All of these distractions just feel like they're going to come back to bite us when we inevitably have to turn our attention on the Empire. Argades isn't going to be happy if we keep him waiting for too much longer.

Cordelia: Call me pessimistic all you want, but I feel like we're losing the advantage of surprise the longer we take to attack him.

Aisa: This will be worth it in the end. I promise. The Relics are incredibly powerful, and they will give us the boost in strength we need to bring this battle to a swift end.

Magnolia: We'll just have to wait and see, I suppose... For now, let's get to it. We're not going to accomplish anything as long as we're just standing around here.

Eli: The Relics are powerful things, and we need to be ready to see what they can do when we use them for good.

You nod and say that You are ready to see what this battle has to offer You, and You hope the others all are as well.

Cordelia: Then let's be off. There's not a moment to lose.

You leave the monastery and set out for Imperial territory. You remain anxious and wound up the entire time You are in the Empire, uncertain as to if it is safe enough to drop your guard. You somehow feel as if You are being watched. You know Aisa is taking You to a place only she should know about, but You remain nervous about being followed. Perhaps Argades is taking this chance to follow your forces to their destination to stop them. You cannot say for certain, but your anxiety remains powerful as can be.

Aisa: Alright... Here we are.

Your thoughts only begin to die down when You arrive at your destination. You find a small building hunkered close to the ground, and You reach a hand toward it quietly. The building feels as if it radiates power, and You can only assume You are feeling the pull of the Relics inside.

Magnolia: I must admit... They're stronger than I would have expected them to be. I can feel their power even all the way out here.

Raithius: I suppose we shouldn't have doubted the strength these weapons have... All that's left is for us to see what we can use them for.

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