{Part Two: Emerald Tempest} Endgame: Fall Below

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You arrive inside the building proper and glance around, your eyes falling on the woman at the other side of the confined space a moment later. It's none other than Evenor, and your eyes narrow at the sight of her.

Evenor: I see that you've arrived for the final battle.

Cordelia: So you already recognize that you've lost what's going to be coming next?

Evenor: No... But one way or another, one of us won't be leaving this place ever again. That seems rather final and conclusive to me, wouldn't you agree?

Cordelia: We're done talking. You've caused more than enough problems for the world, and I'm not going to let you get away with it.

Evenor: Rion, you truly have fallen in with the wrong crowd... You should be here. In another life, you could have easily been the vessel for Nemesis... You could have been everything to us.

You shake your head and say that You will not be used as an instrument in their vengeance nor will You ally yourself with her once more after all she has done.

Evenor: I did what I had to in order to stay afloat. We were shoved to the side by the goddess and her people because they believed themselves superior to us... You should have been our chance for revenge, and after that, the war.

You tell her that You have made the right decision.

Evenor: You will never forget what I say here today... Is your land truly something worth defending? Is this something that you should be looking after, or are you simply deceiving yourself? That is something that you will have to answer on your own.

You say that You are defending those who need to be taken care of.

Evenor: Even though you know everything that the goddess and her people have done to us?

You nod, insisting that the people that are currently alive are innocent in the sins of the past.

Evenor: I would have thought you to have more sympathy than that.

You tell her that You will never again have her way in harming others.

Evenor: Progress requires making difficult decisions. Shambhala has moved forward because of my research, and if you believe that I made the wrong choice, then that is your opinion... And it is an incorrect one.

Cordelia: You're willing to sacrifice lives and souls because you want to move forward in the name of some ambiguous sense of 'progress'? Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound? This war is not progress. All that you have done to harm people is not progress. You're disgusting.

Evenor: Perhaps, but I know what must be done. That's the reason that we're at odds to begin with, is it not?

You continue to glare at her.

Evenor: Though I suppose that all of us have had more than enough of talking now... If that's how you feel, then allow us to get on with the show. We both know what comes next... Just know that at one point, I would have never imagined this would come to pass. At one point... Perhaps I would have done anything for you to be on my side. But times have changed, and we have as well. ...Let us see whose ideals are victorious.

The battle begins from there. Evenor is not alone, instead surrounding herself with other Agarthan soldiers. Rather than taking advantage of the chaos to escape, she stands her ground, and You assume that she is determined to see the strength of your ideals no matter what comes next for her. You follow up on her silent invitation and fight your way to her.

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