{Part Two: Silver Snow} Chapter Twenty-One: The Looming Path I

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When the start of the next moon arrives, You rise from your slumber and move towards the cardinals' room. Seraphine speaks to You all the while.

Seraphine: It's still so strange to think about... Everything changed so quickly for us, but I think this is the best possible outcome we could have seen.

You nod, saying that You are glad so many people have returned to the monastery at long last.

Seraphine: It feels like everything is the way it should have been from the beginning, and I love it... Now that we have this opportunity, we can't waste it no matter what. The others are counting on us, and we have to keep fighting for their sake.

You say that You intend to do everything You can to end the war for everyone that has recently arrived at the monastery.

Seraphine: And it all starts with marching south to find Evenor and Samiya and bring justice to them both... I get the feeling we're going to have a lot more success this time around though.

You nod your agreement as You arrive at the cardinals' room to speak with the rest of your allies. Cordelia looks up from the map at the center of the room when she notices your arrival.

Cordelia: Alright. Now that we're all here, I think we can solidify our plan for the next battle. I believe everything is in place now.

Herwig: We're still going to need to march south after all of this, right? We can't just stay where we are even if Argades is gone.

Niko: Honestly, Argades' death probably makes things easier for us more than anything else. We need all the advantages we can get when it comes to fighting the Empire.

Nesreen: Without a leader though, Samiya could try to take over. That's the risk we run by getting Argades off the throne.

Reese: There's no going back no matter what now anyways. He's dead, and we need to take this chance to charge into the Empire and take it back.

Jill: The good news is that most of the generals who once fought under Argades are gone now. The rebellion made sure of that much over the last few moons.

Roy: And that means all we need to do now is stop Samiya and Evenor before installing the Imperial princess on the throne.

Aisa: Samiya will not let us claim victory so easily. It simply is not in her nature. She is going to fight with everything she has until she can find the upper hand.

Adrian: Then we'll do everything we can to push back against her and stop all of this as soon as possible. She won't be able to keep up the defensive act forever.

Herwig: In fact, I believe our previous plan may still work out... It might not be what we initially intended, but I think it could work if we made a few minor adjustments.

Jill: We could start in Gronder and spread outwards from there to see if we can find anyone who might be able to point us in the right direction.

Nesreen: If we're lucky, they'll choose to confront us there and cut out all of the searching before it can even start. After all, once we get a hold on the Empire...

Niko: Everything should just fall right into place. It's not like they're going to be able to hold us off forever, you know?

Reese: In that case, we should tell everyone to prepare for a march to Gronder, and we'll see what comes of everything after that's been finished.

Adrian: I never would have thought everything would change direction so swiftly... As soon as Argades fell, it felt as if the entire tide of the war shifted course.

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