{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Twenty-Eight: Secrets Rubbed Raw II

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You awaken at the end of the month and immediately know what must be done. You prepare yourself for a long battle ahead, and Seraphine offers her commentary all the while.

Seraphine: I can't decide if I'm more nervous or looking forward to this battle... I suppose it can be a mix of both. I just don't know what to think.

You say that You are going to have to see this battle through to the end if You want to figure out what Aisa has been doing over the last five years.

Seraphine: I know that, but... I guess I just have a bad feeling about whatever she's going to tell us. It makes me anxious, and I can't quite put a finger on why.

You tell her that You are going to have to push through that anxiety even though it is more than justified given the circumstances.

Seraphine: You're right... Let's go see what the others have to say. Maybe at least one of them will have an idea as to what we should be doing in terms of final preparations.

You leave your room and make your way up to the front of the monastery. The rest of your allies are already waiting there, and the air is tense and anxious. You greet them as casually as You can, but your voice slips along the way. They are not the only ones worried about how this battle is going to end.

Magnolia: Ah, Professor... There you are.

Raithius: We've been going over everything just to make sure all our ducks are in a row. As far as we can tell, there's nothing else we need to do. The only thing that remains is to just charge in and do this whether we think we're ready or not.

Cordelia: We're not going to accomplish anything by standing around here and waiting for things to change... Come on, everyone. We have business to attend to.

You nod and watch as the rest of your forces prepare to march for Lavellan-Indech territory. Your stomach is twisted into a knot, and You doubt You will be freed from its grip for quite some time.

Chris: I don't know what to expect from Lady Aisa after all of this is over, but I have a bad feeling about it.

Eli: I can't imagine she'll be particularly popular among our forces after she tells us what she was hiding for the last five years.

Magnolia: Given the circumstances, it wouldn't surprise me if she was keeping her secrets for much longer than that without ever telling us... We're just going to have to wait and see.

Cordelia: I'm going to make sure she tells us everything she's been keeping under wraps. We're owed the truth after everything we've done leading up to this point. It's the least she can offer us.

Raithius: I hope she agrees with that sentiment then... Not that she'll really be allowed to object to it.

Cordelia: We'll do what we have to. That's all that matters.

You sigh and nod, though your anxiety remains strong even in the silence. You have no idea what to expect from this battle, but You can only hope that You are somewhat ready for it.

Chris: Come on, everyone. There's not a moment to lose.

You leave the monastery and set out for your destination at long last. Along the way, You cannot help thinking about how this has been one of the longest months of your life. You have been so anxious about speaking with Aisa again that You have forgotten most other concerns. You can only hope You are able to hear the truth from her now even though she is trying to keep her secrets even now. You remain worried and curious about this for the rest of the journey to your destination in Lavellan-Indech territory.

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