{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Fifteen: Long Gone Friends II

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At the end of the moon, You awaken from slumber and begin to prepare for the battle of the day.

Seraphine: This is it then... We're finally going to be able to meet up with the Knights of Seiros.

You say that You have missed having them around the monastery.

Seraphine: So have I. As much as I enjoy spending time with our current allies... I've missed having familiar faces around. I want to be able to talk to people we already knew before the war began about everything that has happened in Fódlan over the last five years.

You nod your agreement and say that You cannot wait to see what comes of this battle.

Seraphine: You're right. All that remains is to set out, and I'm ready whenever you are.

You nod and start for the front of the monastery. When You arrive, You see the rest of your allies gathered there already.

Liram: It seems to me that the Knights of Seiros have managed to chase their targets into a fortress not far from here. The journey will take us into Faerghus, and we can see where it goes from there.

Morgana: Hopefully, it will bring us back here. I would rather not have to fight in multiple battles in a day.

Reed: Faerghus is a country that has been unstable for a great many years now. There have been many assassination attempts both against the current queen and against the other nobles who stand with her... But even before that, there were those who sought the deaths of the nobles of the Kingdom.

Ryoko: And since Faerghus is so unstable even on a good day, they got away from it... Though I suppose the captain of the knights wasn't going to let that stand.

Luciana: Captain Torryn was born and raised in Faerghus. She would never allow such evils to corrupt it forever. As long as there was something she could do to help, she would want to reach her hand out to those in need.

Calypso: And she was able to chase the enemies into one place so they can be taken out of the picture once and for all... She just needs our help to do it.

Ayberk: Then I see no reason in waiting around here. I think we should go and face this battle ourselves. It's not going to end unless we do something about it, right?

Cyballine: I agree. I have no idea what we can expect from our enemies, but I would rather be careful than risk them wiping out the knights before we arrive.

Rowan: Off we go then... I hope we can win this battle. I don't know what will happen if we fall short...

Liram: We're going to be fine. We have to be. Keep your wits about you, and we can claim victory. I'm sure of it.

Seraphine: I'm glad everyone feels certain we can do this. I wouldn't want them to be too wound up when we're supposed to be celebrating everything this battle can do for us.

You murmur under your breath that Rowan isn't quite so sure about it as your forces set off toward your destination.

Seraphine: Rowan is a special case. We can deal with them later on. For now... Let's go. Our old friends are waiting for us.

You and the rest of your allies travel out to Faerghus to meet with the Knights of Seiros and take care of the assassins once and for all. When You arrive, You can see the outlines of the Knights of Seiros on the horizon. They are gathered around the perimeter of a fortress no doubt filled to the brim with enemy forces.

Liram: Here we are... And there the assassins and knights are too.

Calypso: Wemust reinforce them at once. This battle is hardly going to win itself.

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