{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Twenty-Three: The Grandest Scale I

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At the start of the next moon, You awaken and begin to prepare for the day to come. Seraphine speaks to You all the while.

Seraphine: I'm feeling a lot better about that last battle now that we've slept on it... I just hope Conrad feels the same way.

You nod and say that You are determined to do what You can to help him.

Seraphine: I feel the same way... Not that I can do much to help him in this state.

You feel Seraphine look at herself and let out a heavy sigh.

Seraphine: I miss being able to manifest in a way that would let you see me clearly... I guess I can't complain about this too much since we're both still alive, but it still bothers me that we can't really interact with each other the way we would like to.

You tell Seraphine that You will find a way to solve this problem one day.

Seraphine: I'm glad you're so certain we can resolve it... I can't say I know what to do about all of this. In fact, I doubt anyone here at the monastery would know what to do.

You hesitate and say that maybe Aisa would know what to do.

Seraphine: Perhaps she would... But we can't say for sure what she would do as long as she's still missing. If she's anywhere near as old as Cyrus and Druilla thought before, then...

You say that You are going to get the truth out of her whenever You see her again.

Seraphine: Yes... That seems like a fine enough resolution for the time being. Until then though, we should go and meet with the rest of the army to figure out what we'll be doing next. Aren't we meant to be reuniting with the Blue Lions this moon?

You nod.

Seraphine: In that case, let's go hear them out. This is something we've all been looking forward to for a long time.

You ascend the stairs to the second floor of the monastery. When You arrive in the cardinals' room, You see Luciana pointing to one particular part of the map for everyone to see.

Luciana: If you will all look here, you can find Goneril territory on the Faerghus side of the border we share with Leicester.

Raithius: I know a thing or two about that house... None of it is good, by the way.

Novalee: I would apologize for spreading my bad thoughts about House Goneril, but I don't think I'm sorry for it at all. In fact, I doubt I ever will be.

Luciana: We wouldn't ask you to be. We know enough about House Goneril to know something is amiss there.

Cordelia: Magnolia agreed to meet up with us again if we go to Goneril territory. She wants help taking care of the same family on the Faerghus side of the border, so she'll be meeting with us at the end of this moon when we attack the Leicester half.

Raithius: I was hoping we would be able to agree on that. We need all the help we can get, and this is as good a place to start with it as any.

Eli: What do we know about the Leicester side of House Goneril? I'm afraid I haven't been listening much to the rumors over the last few months.

Novalee: I used to live in House Goneril, but I left it behind years ago, and I've been with Raithius ever since. I... I had my reasons for leaving, and I'm very happy I did now.

Reed: It's not a pleasant territory, and that's the easy way of putting it... But I suppose there's little we can do to fix that right now.

Quinn: We have our mission, and if we can meet up with Magnolia while we're at it, then we should be able to keep them from causing any other issues for us in the future.

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