{Part Two: Blackened Sun} Chapter Eighteen: Emblems of the Dead II

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When the end of the moon arrives, You prepare to discuss what has been found over the course of the recent investigation with the rest of the Ashen Wolves. Seraphine manifests and speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: I have to wonder if anyone else found more than we did over these last few weeks... It feels like we hit just about every roadblock we possibly could and didn't find anything that could point us in the right direction.

You nod and say that You are still uncertain about what You will be doing next.

Seraphine: Maybe one of them was able to learn more about Tagusol in the last few weeks. I know no one was having good luck near the beginning of the month, but it never hurts to be a little bit optimistic.

You agree and say that You are hoping for at least one piece of information coming to light.

Seraphine: We won't know until we go to speak with them ourselves, I suppose. Come on.

You leave your room and start to walk up toward the cardinals' room. However, along the way, You hear a voice call out from behind You.

Tsubasa: Professor! There you are!

You turn to see Tsubasa dashing closer, and she looks flustered and worried. You ask her what is going on and why she is so agitated.

Tsubasa: You need to come down to Abyss right now. We need your help.

You ask what has happened.

Tsubasa: Abyss is under attack.

Your eyes go wide, and You begin to follow her down to Abyss.

Tsubasa: Some of the other Ashen Wolves are getting the rest of the monastery's occupants to come and help us out. It seems a few of our enemies managed to slip through the defenses we put up since the last time this happened. We need to fight them off to make sure they don't do anything that could hurt us.

You nod your understanding and dash down the stairs to Abyss. There, You follow Tsubasa away from the main part of the city, noticing along the way that the main streets are almost completely empty. You can only assume that the people of Abyss scattered and went into hiding when the battle began, leaving those who can fight to try and handle the aftermath.

Soon enough, You arrive outside the city in a set of tunnels that You remember from your adventures in Abyss five years prior. You see the Ashen Wolves set up in defensive positions throughout the area trying to fend off the invaders. It quickly becomes apparent though that they will not be able to win this fight on their own, and You draw your weapon.

Seraphine: Gods above... We should have known this was all going to be too good to be true. It was just a matter of time before we ended up under attack. Being here at the monastery was our only option, but it was also a massive risk.

You say that You will not let the enemy forces break through to harm the people of Abyss or Garreg Mach.

Seraphine: Of course. I would expect nothing less. Just do what you can to remain safe and prepared, okay? I don't want anything bad to happen to you or the rest of the students.

You nod and begin to fight through the enemies alongside the Ashen Wolves.

Eli: Professor! You're here!

Magnus: I'm glad to see it. We can't afford to let any of them break through.

Ernst: What Magnus means to say is that we need all the help we can get.

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