{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Thirty: From Blood and Bone I

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At the start of the following moon, You awaken from your slumber with renewed vigor. You look around, remembering the night before with excitement in your heart. You search for Seraphine, and she manifests before You moments later.

Seraphine: It wasn't a dream... I really am here.

You smile and say that You are glad to have her there with You again.

Seraphine: I've missed this... Though I'll be the first to admit that I don't know what to do with the implications of what we heard from Lady Aisa. If I'm really a fragment of some kind left behind by the goddess' power... What does that mean for us?

You hesitate and say that You are not certain.

Seraphine: The Crest of Flames has existed in the past as far as I can tell... It was with the previous emperor, the one before Hendrix. I suppose it wound up being passed down to us, but... I don't know anything about if he could have heard the same voices you do. Well, I'm not exactly a voice, but...

You shake your head and say that You do not know. You will have to ask Aisa about it later on.

Seraphine: You're right... After we can iron out the answer to that question, perhaps we can tell the others about me... A-Assuming you still want to do that. I don't want to make you do anything you're uncomfortable with.

You tell her that You really want to tell the others about her. It has taken far too long for You to be honest with them, and You want them to know she exists.

Seraphine: I'm glad to hear that. I wanted to be honest about it too... We didn't get the chance to do that before now, but there's no time quite like the present when it comes to making a difference.

You nod and vow to share the truth as soon as You unravel the other answers You want about Seraphine's existence.

Seraphine: Perfect... For now, we should go and see the others. I imagine they have a plan about what we should do next.

You tell her that they probably want to continue the war in the Empire. Now that there are no others who can distract You in the other nations, You are free to continue your charge toward Enbarr.

Seraphine: I hope we don't end up interrupted again... This was a frustrating distraction to have to deal with.

You nod and start to make your way up to the second floor of the monastery. When You arrive, You see the leaders of the army gathered together. You greet them, doing your best to hide the extra spring in your step that comes with having Seraphine there.

Raithius: You certainly seem to be in a good mood today, Professor... I'm happy with it, don't get me wrong, but it's a little strange to say.

Magnolia: If anything, you being in a good mood today is strange... Are you sure everything is alright, Raithius?

Raithius: Yeah, I'm fine. I just... I needed a little bit of time to figure out what I wanted to do with everything we learned during our last mission, but I think I've come to the conclusion I was looking for. Don't worry about me.

You do not want the conversation to move on without a fight, but You can already tell that Raithius will not be saying a word as to his true feelings as long as there are so many people there. Instead, You just nod and allow the discussion to flow past Raithius' recent conflict with his father.

Chris: We were going to focus on attacking the Empire again during this next moon, but... I thought about it, and I asked Lady Aisa if she wanted to suggest something else. As it turned out, the answer was yes.

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