{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Eighteen: Mourning Howl II

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At the end of the moon, You rise from your slumber and begin to prepare for the day ahead.

Seraphine: I suppose today is the day of truth... Once again, we're going to see if we have to fight against Evenor or not.

You say that You are hoping this battle ends well regardless of if Evenor is there or not.

Seraphine: That's something I can agree with. Besides, today will probably be a net positive in the end no matter what happens in the fight. We'll be able to see the Ashen Wolves again, and it's been so long since we last spoke with any of them... I imagine most of them will be surprised to see that you're still alive.

You tell her that You are looking forward to talking to them after everything that has happened.

Seraphine: I am too. I bet they've grown and changed a lot over the last five years... I wonder how they look now. It was certainly a shock seeing the Knights of Seiros again after all this time, and I'm sure the Ashen Wolves will be no different.

You say that You will simply have to wait and see.

Seraphine: You're right. That's all the more reason for us to get going then. Let's get to it.

You nod and leave behind your room to meet with the rest of your allies at the front of the monastery.

Liram: Here we are then... It's almost time for us to go off into the Empire. It'll be our first mission going back there in all this time.

Morgana: I hope we're going to be ready for that... I don't want to end up attacked by any Imperial soldiers if we can at all avoid it.

Cordelia: It would be for the best if this battle wound up restricted to the group of fighters the Ashen Wolves have found. I don't want the emperor to get involved with our war quite yet.

Luciana: I imagine it will just be a matter of time before he shows himself... I doubt he took the news well when he heard we had reclaimed the monastery, much less that we fended off the soldiers he sent into the surrounding city.

Liram: We'll have to wait and see how that goes then. For now, we have a group of allies to meet with, and we shouldn't keep them waiting any longer than we have to.

Calypso: I agree. The battle awaits us, and the Ashen Wolves do as well. For all we know, they could have already wound up dragged into a fight, and we need to reinforce them as soon as possible.

Cordelia: Then we march for Adrestia at once... No matter what happens in this fight, we have to come back here safely. The war depends on that. I don't know how things will go if we have to abandon Garreg Mach once again, but I would rather not entertain that idea if I can at all avoid it.

Liram: And you don't have anything to worry about. We're all going to do our part to make sure we return here with the extra forces we need and with the Imperial soldiers none the wiser.

Cordelia: I hope you're right... We'll just have to wait and see.

You depart from the monastery and set out for the Empire. You find yourself tense as soon as You set foot in Imperial territory, no doubt because of the anxiety that permeates the air. Your allies are worried about being ambushed there, and You cannot blame them in the slightest. You are nervous about what could happen if You are attacked as well, and You can only hope your fears end up being unfounded.

Soon enough, You and the rest of your forces arrive at your destination deep in Imperial territory. There is a small fortress being held by a handful of fighters, but You cannot make out the details of their allegiances from afar. All You know is that they bear the pitch black armor You have come to associate with Malice forces.

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