{Part Two: Ascendent Star} Chapter Twenty-Three: The Grandest Scale II

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At the end of the moon, You awaken from your slumber and go about your regular preparations for the day. Seraphine speaks to You along the way.

Seraphine: This is the day then... We're finally going to be able to meet up with the Blue Lions again.

You nod and say that You have been looking forward to this for a long time.

Seraphine: I know you have... And I'm certain all of them will be very glad to have you there to help you through the tail end of this battle.

You tell her that You intend to give the fight your all from the very beginning even if the Blue Lions are a bit late in arriving at the battlefield.

Seraphine: This should resolve the remainder of the issues within the Alliance... At least for the time being. There's still some leader there we don't know about, but if we can give it our all here, we should be able to take care of most of the other problems we've run into up to this point. After this, all that will remain is the Kingdom and Empire.

You smile softly and say that Seraphine makes it sound so easy when she says it like that.

Seraphine: Maybe I do... But I think it's true. We're making good progress, and we're going to continue making good progress in the future too. All we have to do is keep our eyes on the future.

You nod your agreement.

Seraphine: We should go see what the others are up to. I imagine at least a few of them will be just about ready for us to set out for Goneril territory.

You start toward the front of the monastery, and sure enough, when You arrive, the leaders of your forces are gathered together.

Raithius: This is it then... Goneril territory will fall with this last battle.

Novalee: I want to say I'm ready for this, but the more I think about it, the less prepared I feel.

Cordelia: You don't need to be ready on your own. All of us will be there to make sure this goes as it needs to. We won't let the head of the house or any of his soldiers get in our way.

Eli: Magnolia should be there or at least almost there by the time we arrive... We can employ the same strategy we used in Columbus territory from there by attacking from both sides to make sure the enemy forces can't get away no matter what they try to do.

Reed: The enemy forces might be at least somewhat aware of our inclination toward that strategy though, so we should be careful to not rely on it too much if we can avoid it.

Quinn: As long as we don't let our confidence get the better of us, we should be able to win this battle without too many issues.

Raithius: All that remains is to see it through to the end... Are you all ready to see what that's going to end up looking like?

Novalee: I suppose I'm as ready as I can be.

Raithius: Don't worry about it, Nova. You don't need to bear this burden alone. The rest of us are here for you, and we'll do what we can to make sure you come out of this in one piece.

Novalee: Thank you, Raithius... That means a lot to me.

Liram: Alright, everyone... Let's get going. This fight isn't going to win itself.

You follow the rest of your forces out of the monastery and up to Goneril territory. At the end of your journey, You look at the estate from afar, a small frown on your face.

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