{Part Two: Silver Snow} Chapter Twenty-Three: Survival of a Sage II

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When the end of the moon arrives, You begin your preparations for the final fight against Samiya. As you reach for your blade and begin to polish it, You hear Seraphine speak to You.

Seraphine: So... This is it. The next time we return to the monastery, it will be as the heroes who fought against Samiya to end the war and save Fódlan. Are you ready?

You nod and say that You are as ready as You possibly can be.

Seraphine: It's hard to fully prepare for something like this, isn't it? There's so much to face during this fight... But I'm not going to let Samiya take the upper hand after everything she's done. She doesn't deserve to have that power over us or anyone else.

You shake your head and say that You will fight with everything You have in order to defeat her.

Seraphine: I'm glad we agree... Though I know that she's going to be returning the favor and then some when the time arrives for us to fight. She won't be making this easy for us.

You say that You know this, but You refuse to let it stop you.

Seraphine: I'm sure the others all feel the same way... And I'm looking forward to seeing where this takes us.

You nod your agreement as You swing your sword once through the air before You.

Seraphine: You know what comes next... Let's go end a war.

You walk out of your room and make for the cardinals' room. As is to be expected, the members of the Church of Seiros are gathered inside. You can feel the tension in the air as soon as You walk inside, all of the anxiety waiting to be released the instant something finally gives on Samiya's end.

Roy: Samiya is still in the palace of Enbarr... She doesn't seem to want to leave that position as far as our scouts can tell.

Reese: She knows that it's the best defensive position she can have right now, and she intends to milk that for everything it's worth.

Herwig: In that case, we'll just have to find a way to knock her down a peg or two and get her out of the castle as soon as we can.

Nesreen: I doubt she's going to fall for any traps like that so easily. Still, I suppose that can't stop us from trying right now.

Niko: Her vanguard is gathered around the perimeter of the castle. We need to find a way to break through and take her down.

Aisa: There are passageways beneath and around the palace, though most people are unaware of them. I imagine that Samiya is fully knowledgeable about all of them, so we will need to tread carefully.

Cordelia: What do you think our plan should be then, Lady Aisa? Do you think we should try to break through the secret passages?

Aisa: I believe that we should defeat a few of Samiya's primary fighters and then push through a tunnel so that we can exit within the palace. From there, we should be able to attack her before she has the chance to call her troops back to defend her.

Jill: It's a risky move. She has to know that we're coming, and she's waiting to give the order to completely destroy us.

Adrian: It is dangerous, yes, but we have too much on the line right now to back away. She's in the castle, and we have to break through and take this chance to defeat her once and for all.

Cordelia: Sneaking inside is probably going to give us the best chance of winning in this fight. It won't be easy to get past her guards, but if we try to break down the front door, she's going to have the time she needs to mount a proper defense and drive us back.

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