An Empty Nest, almost.

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I'm gonna cry! My little twins are going off to college. They shouldn't be going to college yet, it seems like just yesterday they were cute, tiny, little babies who were entertained by ceiling fans. Now they're heading to college and Kion's going to Texas. I'm literally going to cry!

I held my little girl before she got in the car. It would be just Simba and I in the house now, Nuka had moved out, Vatani had moved out, Kovu was living with Nuka, Kopa was living in the dorms at his college, and now my last babies were going to college, Kion to one in Texas. Our house is going to be so lonely without kids inside. That's why I didn't want to let my girl go. 

"You can come home whenever you need to baby," I told my little princess, "We'll always be happy to have you."

"I know Mommy," Kiara said, still calling me Mommy after so many years, "I'll visit, I'll be here every weekend and every holiday.

"And I'll call everyday," Kion said. I pulled him in the hug with one arm. I didn't want them to grow up, I want them to be the cute little kids with curls and hair bows and dress-up clothes. But I don't have much say in that. "I love you Mom," Kion said.

"I love you too," I said to him in answer, "Both of you."

I felt another set of arms join the hug. Simba's head leaned against my shoulder. "We both love you both," he said, "If you ever need anything at all, call us right away. Day or night. We won't mind."

"We know Daddy," Kiara said.

Kovu leaned out of the car Kiara would drive to her college. He and Nuka lived near there and he did some teaching there when he wasn't winning lawsuits. "Don't worry cousin by marriage Nala," he said, calling me by the nickname I don't know what to say to, "Kiara will be safe with us." She would be living with them until she could buy a place of her own. I'm helping her move in when that happens no matter what. "Nuka and I shall keep her secure. She would not be safe than if she were still in your arms."

"Yeah," Simba said, "What ever you have to tell yourself Kovu. There's nowhere more safer than in a mother's arms." So true.

Kiara gave me, her daddy, and her brothers each a kiss then got in the driver's seat of the car, Kovu can't drive because of he's still in a wheelchair. They were off before I was ready. Then Kopa and Kion headed off, Kopa to his college and Kion to the airport.

I burst into tears as their cars vanished from sight. Simba wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. "We did our best Nala," he said, "The world has two more young men and a young woman because of us."

"But I want my babies," I said to him, "I want my little babies."


I accidentally made enough pasta for five. I cried over the empty nest I had while I put the leftovers away. As I put the tub in the fridge, a rush of dizziness coursed through me. I dropped the tub and sank to the floor, holding my head. "Simba!" I called, "Simba!"

Simba peeked his head in and saw me on the floor. He ran to my side. "Nala!" he shouted, making my head hurt, "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"I don't know," I said, "Help me."

Simba helped me up and lay me on the couch before he called an ambulance. What was happening to me?

My headache and dizziness didn't go away the whole trip to the hospital. Simba went with me and held my hand the whole way. "It's going to be okay Nala," he said to me the whole way, "It's going to be okay."

In the hospital, I learned some shocking news. Since I was a young mom, I'm still young enough to have a baby. I'm pregnant.

Not only am I pregnant, but with my age, the baby in my womb could be a threat to my life. It's too early to be sure, but my doctor recommends terminating my pregnancy to be safe.

"Nala," Simba said, "What are we going to do? A baby? I wasn't expecting a baby. What are we going to do?"

I put a hand on my belly where King baby number four was growing. "Simba," I said, sure of what I would do even because of what could happen, "I can't get rid of this baby. I'm sorry, but I'm not getting rid of it."

Simba sighed. "Nala, I'm not going to make you do something you don't want to do, but I also can't live without you."

I pulled Simba into a hug. "I'll never leave you," I said, "And if I die, which I don't think I will, you'll have Kopa, Kiara, Kion, and this little one to remember me."

"Nala," Simba told me, "Kopa's not our biological son, you know that."

I nodded, "But he's still our boy."

Simba sighed. "Alright Nala, whatever you want is okay with me. I love you My Queen."


It's a good thing I kept this baby because as it turns out, NOT a threat to my life. Simba and I are so lucky and in four months, we'll have two new little ones to love and care for. Yes, two. Twins again, this time both girls. Kiara's happy.

"I swear," Kiara said on our daily family video chats, "As soon as my little sisters are in the world, I am dropping everything to come visit."

"I'd like to do that too," Kion said, "But I chose Texas. I got little presents for the babies though." He held up two little pink teddy bears, one with a purple heart on its left paw and the other with a red heart on its right paw. "They're twin bears, made just for twins."

"Where were those when you and Kiara were babies?" I asked. That would have been so cute.

"Yeah!" Kiara said, "Where were they?"

Kion looked at the tag of one of the bears. "According to the tag," he said, "They weren't invented because these were made a week ago and the sales girl who sold them to me said they were new."

"They're still cute Kion," Simba said, "I'm sure these little two will love them."

"They have names too," Kion said, "They came with two matching names, Rose and Thorn. I'd recommend changing the second one. Why did they think Thorn was a good name to give a teddy bear for a little girl?"

I had to shrugged at that.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now