The Missing Puzzle Piece Is In Antarctica.

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(Yeah, I just liked the title name. It's funny)


Anyone else feel bad for leaving Bunga behind? I look around, I'm not the only one who feels bad.

"We have to go back for Bunga," Beste said.

Binga shook her head. "We're not doing that. It's all part of the plan. You guys were bait and Scar swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. I don't fish so I don't really understand that, but I'm pretty sure it works."

"We're the bait?" Kovu asked, "Alright, I was a part of the team and even I didn't know it went past the safe house."

"You're still a civilian," Binga said, "Bunga's fine, he's got a tracking device in his pocket. Scar's helpers will take him to their base and Janja will raid the place. We can give the criminal underworld such a blow that for the first time in forever, we actually have a chance at shutting it down completely. And it's all thanks to you guys."

I stared at her. That was the plan this whole time, I've barely gotten my head wrapped the fact that my son's best friend is a spy. I haven't even started trying to register the criminal girlfriend for my other son and my six up coming grandchildren are lost in the shuffle. The past who cares how long events have broken my brain.

How are the girls sleeping through this? Oh to be almost six years old again. All of these problems would be far far away. But I'm not almost six, so I'm stuck in this craziness.

Nala lay her head on my shoulder. "We're going to be safe now, right?" she asked.

Binga nodded. "Unless Scar's somehow figured out how to outsmart some of the brightest minds in the country, we're good. Bunga, Janja, and the rest of the team are going to be done with this by noon tomorrow. Or today? Anyone know what time it is? I left my watch in the safe house and my phone in the car, and the rest of my tech doesn't have a clock."

Kopa checked his watch. "One fourteen," he said, "They'll be done by noon today."

Binga eyed his watch. "Where did you get that watch?" she asked, I could hear the concern in her voice.

"From. . ." Kopa started, but then he paused and I could see that he went pale in the dark. That couldn't be good. "Evie gave it to me."

Binga grabbed the watch from his wrist and tore it to pieces. "Aw man!" she groaned, "You've had a tracking device this whole time!"

"What?" Kopa shouted.

"So they know where we are?" Nuka asked.

"Throw the watch away and keep moving!" Fuli shouted.

Binga dropped the tracker watch where she stood and lead us deeper into the woods. "I don't know how long we have until Scar's helpers come to the watch," she whispered, "But we have to get as far away from there as possible. Once they realize we know about the tracker, they will be looking for us."

"Why didn't you just destroy the tracker?" Ono asked.

"Because they would know we found it and be there so much sooner. Leaving it gives us more time," Binga said, "Now all we can do is try to hide and hope they haven't found Bunga's tracker."

That would be disastrous.

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