Brother And Sister Meeting For The First Time.

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I looked into my biological father to try to find out what happened to his wife and my half-sister. His wife was deported and her ship was lost at sea, my biological dad put their daughter in a group home. I had found her and took her home with me.

Hannah wasn't very social, I don't know if that was just with me or because of our dad or if that's just the way she is. I'm really trying to bond with her, but she's pushing me away. She spends hours in her room, nose buried in some teen vampire series. The only time she comes out are when she has to go to school, the bathroom, or when I say that dinner's done.

I put my head in my hands. "I don't know what to do with her Dad," I told my dad, who else could I turn to? "She won't even talk to me."

Dad sighed. "I remember a little something much like that, and yet different at the same time," he said, "Remember when a certain Kopa King found out he was adopted? All I had to do to get you to feel at home is talk to you and take you to Florida. All I can tell you is to keep trying, don't give up on her."

I sighed. "Taking in my half sister is a bigger responsibility than I thought it would be. You and Mom made it look so easy."

Dad chuckled at me. "Kopa, do you know how many times I wanted to hug and strangle you at the same time? Parenting is never easy, I'm surprised how easy you thought it was." I leaned back on the couch. "Just do your best and don't give up. It's going to get better, eventually."

"Not helping right now Dad," I said, "But I gotta get home, Hannah's on her way home from tutoring right now."

"Tutoring?" Dad asked.

I stood up. "She hasn't been doing great in school. I'd home-school her, but I have college."

"What subjects are she struggling with?" Dad asked, handing me my coat.

"All of them," I said, "She's four years younger than me and not even in high school yet, she's been struggling that much."

Back home, I found Hannah's bag dumped on the floor by the door and could see that she went to her room. I had to move out of the college dorm for the state to let me take Hannah, I also needed a job. It would also have helped if I was married, but I wasn't sure Evie was the one just yet. 

I bent down to pick her bag up and a plastic bag of dried leaves fell out. I grabbed the bag and opened it just to see what the leaves were. I dropped Hannah's book bag as soon as I smelled the leaves. Marinara.

I went right to Hannah's room. She had her headphones on and a book of that vampire series. I took both from her and shoved the bag of drugs in her face. "What's this?" I asked her, "Why did I find an illegal drug in your backpack?"

Hannah rolled her eyes and she didn't answer. "Answer me Hannah," I said, "I'm in charge of you and I must know why you have this." Hannah still said nothing. "Alright," I told her, "You're grounded. I'm taking your phone, computer, and all other things that would distract you until I get an answer."

"That's not fair!" Hannah shouted, having talked to me for the first time since asking me who I was, "You're my half brother, not my dad!"

"I'm the one in charge of you," I told her, taking her electronics and those vampire books away, "Which means that I have to do all I can to make sure you make the right choices. And this," I said, holding up the plastic bag, "Is not even close to a good choice. You'll understand when you're older."

"It's not even mine!" Hannah shouted, "I'm not that dumb."

"Then what was it doing in your bag?" I asked. I opened the drawer of her desk to check for more electronics or plastic bags with leaves inside. A large pile of cash lay inside. I wasn't giving her an allowance until she got her grades up. "Where did you get so much money?"

"I sell that stuff okay?" Hannah snapped, "My friend gives it to me, I sell it, and we split the money. I'm not smoking the pot."

I turned to her. "You are going to stop that right now," I told her, "It doesn't matter that you're not smoking it, you're selling it to others and that's wrong. The stuff you're selling is illegal for a reason. Why do you even need so much money anyway?"

"None of your business!" Hannah snapped.

Once I was done confiscating her things, I called Dad up. If anyone could help me, he could. "Hello Kopa," Dad said, "Got you on loudspeaker, it's bath time for the twins." That explained the chants of "Ducky" in the background.

"Dad," I said, "I'm not sure if you could help me, but I need help."

"We're both here for you Kopa," Mom said, "Sara, Mommy doesn't eat bubbles."

"I came home and Hannah's bag was on the floor," I said. I started to explain all about what just happened with Hannah. When I finished, the only sounds from the other side of the phone were my little sisters splashing around in the tub.

"Wow," Dad said, "That's certainly something."

"I'm not sure what to do," Mom said, "But you should call the school. No doubt about that. Then you need to call the police. It's illegal drugs after all. And then I say that you need to get Hannah to therapy."

I took a water bottle from the fridge. "Mom, I didn't think this would happen. I spent almost a year trying to find her and two months trying to bond with her and she's already selling drugs." I sank down into a chair, "She's my little sister, how could she do this?"

"Kopa," Dad said, "It's going to be okay. With a brother like you, she'll turn out just fine."

I hope so, I really hope so.

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