Scar's Planning Something Big.

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(I was told to put a bunny up here)


I have my couple to keep an ear out for a wedding date. Kion, my great nephew, popped the question to his girlfriend. It'll be their wedding Zira and I will crash, then I'll finally get my sweet sweet revenge.

Sadly, the soon to be dead happy couple hasn't set a date yet, or any plans at all. At least, none they've discussed in the same room as my bug in their Texas apartment.  Kion has got to be adopted like Kopa was, I don't see what he liked so much about Texas. New York is the obvious place to be, namely the city.

I hid in a closed subway tunnel under the city now. Trains roared by often, but that only covered the noise we made, so we didn't mind. We were actually right under the police station. Or at least one of them.

I heard Zira chuckle. "Finally," she said, "We're so close to winning. We have our targets. Just a little longer and we can force Vatani to take over and retire. I'd like to sail away to a deserted island in Indonesia. Or maybe some remote jungle village. How does that sound?"

"Whatever you want dear," I said, "As long as Vatani takes over. She'll be much better than Nuka and Kovu's all on the right side of the law and justice and that garbage. Honestly, I don't know where we went wrong with him."

Zira rolled her eyes at the mention of our youngest. "Part of me wishes I'd never adopted him," she said, "But the other part of me kills the first part. He was a little defense-less baby boy with an illness and we couldn't have known how he would disappoint us."

Zira had a point. I started plotting in my head how I would get back at my dear nephew. My mind wandered as it's been doing in my old age and I found myself flashing back to when I first meet Simba.


He was so tiny. My newborn nephew was wrapped up in a blue blankie, a green knitted hat covered his hairy head and a red pacifier kept him from crying. Sarabi cradled him in her arms, staring at his little face. He was asleep, but that doesn't mean that he wasn't the center of attention.

"Taka," Mufasa said to me, "Meet your nephew, my little boy, Simba."

Sarabi looked up at me. "Would you like to hold him?" she asked.

I nodded and the little child was put in my arms. He was so tiny and so delicate. I felt like I would break him. I failed to see what Sarabi and Mufasa found so cute about this little one. Then his eyes opened. Dark eyes stared at me. A little tiny baby hand gripped at the side of the blankie. "Simba," Mufasa said, "This is Daddy's little brother Taka. He's your uncle. He's going to be the best uncle you could ever ask for. Right Taka?"

I couldn't say anything. Somehow, this little baby had captured my heart.


My love for my nephew soon died as a love of money took hold in me. Being poor my whole life, to suddenly have a rich older brother, well, it was a shock at first but I got used to it. Money could buy a lot. I went from an outcast to the top man in high school overnight. I went from sick to healthy in my sleep, the sleep I was put in for my operation. I found myself surronded by girls once they heard I had a wealthy older brother. It's not like Simba could have given me all of that.

Well, he did help with girls a little. Showing pictures of my little nephew and taking him for walks got the girls' attention. 

Mufasa, however, insisted that I learn to support myself. The guy took care of me my whole life and promised to always do so, but then a woman and a baby come along and he moves on. I'm his brother for Pete's sake.

Well, I was his brother. Mufasa's dead now.



My memories are slowly coming back. I remember Dad leaving and Mom working at a factory, a few bits and pieces of other things, but not much else. According to my son, I can't remember if it's Taka or that other name I was told, I'm not supposed to remember anything at all with my age and how long I spent in something called a coma.

I have no idea what a coma is. I think my daughter or daughter in law or something of the kind explained it, but I forgot it already. My bad, I think.



Anyway, enough about a corpse. Soon, the dear lost nephew of mine, his wife, and kids will join him, I'll  take the money, force Vatani into this life, and start a new one. I'm not too old that I can't start over again.


I sighed. "There we go chief," I said, "Dad's going to crash my adoptive second cousin's wedding. I'll turn it back on when Kion and Rani sets a date."

The Chief of police for New York City nodded. I've been working with them for a few years now. My mind is the one thing that my father hasn't been able to figure out. I am the only person I've ever met who can outsmart him. So I've betrayed him.

Actually, it didn't feel like I was betraying him. Rather, I felt like I was protecting Kiara and our family. If I didn't do this, Cousin Simba, cousin by marriage Nala, Kopa, Kion, Sarabi, Sarafina, Uncle Mufasa, possible Nuka, and the most important of them all Kiara will be killed. Vatani will be forced into that criminal underworld life and she won't like it. She's not like Mom or Dad in that way. She's a dancer.

I turned off my device. This would all be over soon, I just had to wait for Kion's wedding. Oh and I had to plan my own wedding too. Kiara's got that covered.

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