Help Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dick tapped on my window, well his window, but not the point. "I ain't stupid honey," he said, "I always have friends who help me, unlike you who's all alone in a strange state, with no friends or family." Right, I kept my friendship with Kion away from Dick so he wouldn't get jealous. Who knew that would save me one day? Seriously, why didn't you warn me?!

I only had enough time to turn on the camera for my phone. Quite a few people had survived dangerous incidences thanks to video. Then Dick's buddy unlocked the truck door with some home made car unlocking device and unlocked the driver's side, letting Dick in.

I was shoved in the middle with Dick's buddy's pocket knife at my side. I know it's small, but it's still a knife. Dick turned the car back towards the hut and kept talking about how my two weeks inside it will go, my phone getting everything.

I saw a gas station, I had to get away. "Dick," I said, "I have to use the ladies' room."

Dick groaned and pulled into the gas station. "What you doing man?" his buddy asked.

"It ain't no good to have nature calling her while we're locking her up," Dick said, "I'll go in with her. She won't get away. Keep the truck running." And with that Dick grabbed my hand and dragged me into the gas station.

Once inside the ladies' room, I found help. A woman with big blond hair and a hot pink pantsuit was helping her daughter wash her hands. I just walked up to her and played the video.

The woman's face changed a few times while watching the video. First she was confused, than wondering, then horrified. "My word!" she shouted.

"Shh," I hissed to her, "One of those guys are right outside. Help me."

"Mama," the woman's daughter said, "You'll help her, won't you?"

"'Course I will baby," the woman said, "I ain't gonna leave this poor girl on her own. The Lord Himself brought us here to help her. Now listen to me baby and you too girly. I've got an idea."

The woman, Tanya, was an actress. She just happened to have a blond wig and a long skirt in her bag. I put on the wig and skirt and with my sweat shirt hood up, hands in my pockets, and eyes on the ground, I look like I could be Tanya's daughter too. At least, I hoped I could look like her daughter. 

I followed Tanya out, right past Dick. He didn't say anything to us but as we turned the corner, I heard him pound on the ladies' room door.

Tanya didn't leave the gas station just yet. Instead, she went to the counter. "Sir," she said to the manger quietly, "One of my girls has to tell you something."

I stepped forward and showed him the video. The manger went white and picked up the phone, pressing the numbers nine, nine, and one. "We'll be in the white minivan out front," Tanya said, "Do not let him leave this place." Tanya took my hand and her daughter's and took us out front.

Tanya's husband was surprised when two girls got in his van, but he didn't mind when I showed him the video. "God sent us to help her," the little daughter said. I'm almost sure that He did.

"I have to call my friend," I said, "He was suppose to meet me at my college. He must be waiting for my by now."

"You do that," Tanya said, "Meanwhile, June, get up here. You and I are gonna pray for this to all work out." They prayed while I called Kion.


Rani was nowhere in the city. The police were looking all over for her, some were even suspecting that I was pulling a prank on them. I wasn't! I have no idea where she is.

Then Rani called me. "It's her!" I said to the chief of police, "It's Rani!"

"Put it on loud speaker son," the chief tole me, I put my phone on loud speaker and picked up.

"Kion?" Rani said, "Are you at my dorm?"

"Yeah," I said, "The chief of police is with me. Where are you?"

"Dick found me," Rani said, "He and his friend pulled me over in a police car. But I'm safe now. I said I needed to use the bathroom and a woman and her family  are helping. Dick's still in the gas station and the manger's called or calling the police."

"Alright," the chief of police said, "That explains the text I got about a kidnapper in a gas station. Miss, what's the name of the station and do you know what road you're on."

"It's says Gus's," Rani said, "Hey, miss Tanya, do you know what road we're on?"

A woman's voice thick with accent talked, but I couldn't really understand her. "I think it's route 94, but it could be 19."

"They are close to each other," the chief said, "Hang on miss, we're coming. Do not leave. We'll be there as soon as we can. You son, don't hang up. Tell your girlfriend to keep you updated."

"She's not my girlfriend," I said.

"Well, it don't matter," The chief said, "Just get in the car." 


Tanya and her family were still praying to God for my safety and to be honest, I'm quietly praying too. Kion and the police were on their way, but I could hear Dick yelling at the bathroom door for me to get out. His buddy had come in and the manager locked them inside. I don't know what they'll do when they find out.

Then I heard something else, sirens. Tanya's daughter turned around in her mom's lap. "Mama!" she shouted, "Pop! It's the law! God answered our prayers!" I turned around in my seat as armed policemen got out of a car. "Why do the law have guns?" The little girl asked.

"They don't know what the bad men will do," Tanya said, "They want to protect all us good people, so they have guns. But I pray to the Lord above that they won't have to use them."

I saw Kion get out of car. "Kion!" I shouted, jumping out of the car.

"Girly!" Tanya shouted, "No! It ain't safe!"

Before I got to Kion, I heard shattering glass. Dick and his buddy saw me. I ran back to Tanya's van, Dick and his buddy running after me.

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now