The Spies Arrive.

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"You're a spy?!" I shouted at Bunga as he lead Rani and I to what he called the van, Asher at my heels and Amahle clinging to Rani's arm, "How? Why? What?"

"I said I'll explain once everyone's in the van," Bunga said, "And I meant it. Be a little patient Kion."

"My wedding day was just interrupted by my evil great aunt and uncle and you're a spy," I said, "All patience is out the window and in Africa like Rani was almost a year ago."

"Calm down," Bunga said, "Stay calm for the kid. He's not taking this any better than you are."

What Bunga called the van, but was really an RV painted black with a siren on the top, came into view. I knew that Mom, Dad, Sara, Fina, Kovu, and Kiara were already there. Bunga was taking us in groups, all under the name of King were brought first because we were the main targets, everyone else was secondary.

A woman with rainbow died hair sat in the driver's seat of the van. She smiled brightly. "Four more!" she said, "Hi! I'm Binga, I work with Bunga. Take a seat, we'll be at the safe house before you know it."

I eyed Bunga, but he was already walking back to the cave to get someone else from the wedding party. "Sorry about your wedding," Binga said, "But there's nothing we can do except keep you all safe now. Of course, before there was a way we could have taken care of this without interrupting your wedding, but our boss has his reasons to not go that way."

I took a seat and drew Asher onto my lap. "Dad," he said, "I want Mom."

I sighed. "Mom's safe Asher, she's with Janja."

"You know the boss?" Binga asked.

I turned to her. "Janja's your boss?"

"Janja?" Asher asked.

Binga nodded. "He's one of the best in the biz, even though he's younger than most in his position have been."

"Isn't this the part where you tell us that you have to kill us now?" Kiara asked.

I wrapped my arms tighter around Asher.

Binga laughed. "Don't be silly," she said through her laughter, "We don't do that. You watch too many spy flicks King-ette. That would ruin our mission entirely."

I relaxed.

Bunga brought Kopa and Hannah onboard the van next, then he got Nuka and Vatani, and everyone else last. Bunga took the passenger's seat by Binga. He dialed something on his phone. "Honeybagders to hyena resistance," he said, "We got the lion pride and the non-lions and are heading to the den. Is the pass clear?"

His phone was on loud speaker, maybe so Binga could hear it. "Hyena resistance to honeybagders," a female voice said. Asher picked his head up when he heard it. "Pass is clear. Have a safe trip to the den."

"Aunt Medoa?" Asher asked.

Bunga hung up. "Your aunt Medoa goes by Hyena Auntie in the biz Asher-ash," he said, "That's right, she's a spy too. Recruited straight outta high school just like Binga and I were."

Binga started the van and we drove out into the sunlight. This was all unbelievable. I felt Rani take my hand and squeeze it tight. Feel free to squeeze as much as you want, I don't blame you.

"Are we the lion pride you talked about?" Hannah asked.

Bunga nodded. "Yup, and those who aren't the King family are the non-lions."

"What exactly happened?" Ono asked.

Bunga turned around in his seat, he wasn't wearing a seat belt, but I'm not gonna say anything because who really cares at this point. "Scar and Phamtoma just met their match," he said, "Thanks to Outlander King, AKA Janja, Bravest, AKA me, our best spies, and our informant Kovu 'Brain Boy' Walker King."

Kiara turned to Kovu. "You were in on this?!" she shouted, "How dare you not tell me!"

Kovu eyed her. "Like you've never kept secrets from me," he said, "Quintuplets."

"What?" Mom shouted, "Kiara, you're pregnant? My little girl!"

Dad groaned. "There has got to be something up with this family's fertility," he mumbled, "Triplets, two twins, now five grandchildren at once."

"She's not the only one expecting either," Bunga said, "Rani, congrats. Also, Binga followed you to the doctor."

"What?!" Ballyo and I shouted at the same time.

"Am I going to be a big brother?" Asher asked.

Rani smiled shyly at me, chuckling nervously. Amahle eyed her, Ballyo lay back in his seat. "Bunga," Binga said, "Sweetie, how about we don't go spilling secrets and telling people we've been watching them? Because that sounds, oh I don't know, ABSOLUTELY CREEPY!"

"But it's our job," Bunga told her.

"Please tell me I wasn't followed at any point in time," Anga said.

"Same," Fuli echoed.

"What about Evie?" Kopa asked, "She didn't walk down with all the other bridesmaids. Where is she?"

Binga slammed on the breaks. "Wait," she said, "We're missing one? Bunga!"

Bunga sighed and dialed on his phone again. "Hi Boss," he said, clearly talking to Janja, "So, we're missing a lioness. Average height, blond hair, blue eyes, rosy cheeks, answers to the name Evie, wearing a bridesmaid dress, might have flowers. Sorry I missed her, she was AWOL during the dry season. Let us know when you find her. Oh, never mind, I see her. Bye!"

Bunga got out of the van and brought Evie back in. She was pale and her dress was torn and her hair was wreaked. "Evie!" Kopa said, running up to her.

"I have no idea what happened," she said.

"Don't worry about it," Bunga said, "It's all okay, go take a seat. Have a bottled water." He gave her a bottled water. "Anyone else thirsty? Also, for our anxious passengers, I have brought your meds. I am prepared Ono!"

The Lion King In The Human World Part 3Where stories live. Discover now