The Rival.

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(New computer, no pictures on it yet.)


Things have been busy for me. Asher's keeping me on my toes, but being able to pass him onto Kion once in a while has been helping a lot. My new boyfriend has also helped out a bunch.

Janja was reading Asher one of the stories I illustrated while I cleaned up after dinner. It's sweet how they get along. I hoped Asher wouldn't mind having two male influences in his life. I can't see how it would hurt him.

"Your mother's a really good artist," Janja said as he closed the book, "I think I know where you get your talent for art from."

I blushed. Janja and Asher really get along, I'm glad. It would be awkward if they didn't. My relationship with Janja wouldn't have lasted long.

On the side of the sink, my phone buzzed at me. It was Kion.

Kion:Hey Jasiri. I've got a business trip up your way and was wondering if I could borrow Asher for a little bit afterwards.

"Asher!" I called, "Dad's going to be coming up our way, would you mind if he borrowed you?"

Asher lit up. "Daddy! Yes! When will he be here?!" Janja gave me a look. Did I tell him I'm still friends with Asher's dad? Maybe, but then again, maybe not.

Asher ran off to get a room ready for Kion and Janja came up to me. "You're still friends with his dad?" he asked, "Why wasn't I told his dad was in the picture?"

I shrugged. "I guess I forgot," I said, "Sorry. But you'll like Kion. In many ways, he reminds me of you, though many you still have more differences than similarities."

Janja sighed. "He'll only be here for a little bit," I told him, "If I know Kion, he'll stay in a hotel during his business trip, spend a day or two with Asher, buy a gift, and head back to New York."

Janja let out a laugh. "I come from New York," he said, "There's one thing we have in common."

"I was born in New York and came here for school," I told him, "Did you not know that too? Really? I know I mentioned that before. Were you not listening?" Janja looked away. He wasn't listening to me when I talked about where I came from. I'm so annoyed at him right now.


"Daddy's coming! Daddy's coming! Daddy's coming!" Asher chanted. Kion, Rani, and some relative with a weird name were coming today. Asher could not wait for them to come. I wish I could remember that relative's name.

"You alright Janja?" I asked, "I know it's a big deal meeting your rival."

Janja laughed. "Rival? Jas, this Kion and I aren't going to be rivals. We both care for you and Asher and we'll be adults about this. Besides, I'm the one who spends most of his time with the kid. I'll clearly be his favorite."

I smiled. "Glad you're not freaking out, but remember. Asher doesn't need a dad, he has one. Kion's just not here all the time." I could totally see him losing it big time when Kion, Rani, and the relative knock on the door.

Then I heard a knock. What timing!

"Daddy!" Asher shouted, running to the door. He opened it. It wasn't Kion, it was some delivery guy with flowers and a balloon that said 'It's a Boy.' Asher pouted. "You're not Daddy," he sighed.

"This isn't 308, is it?" the delivery guy asked, "Sorry, my bad. I'll just go." The delivery guy walked away. I had to hold back my laugh. Asher's upset it wasn't Kion, something I shouldn't laugh at.

Janja picked Asher up in his arms. "Don't worry," he said, "Your dad will be here soon. In the meantime, let's make sure you got all the pictures you want to show him. Make sure we don't miss any."

"Okay!" Asher said, perking up. Janja can certainly knew how to cheer my little boy up.

I felt fur on my leg. I looked down. The stray cat Asher took in, that he guilted me into keeping, rubbed against my leg. Asher called him Icy. Icy was a loving cat and he always wanted to be picked up and held and petted. The sweet cat may or may not be a he, but we haven't checked. I'm certainly not looking for the answer.

I picked Icy up in my arms. He turned around in my arms and showed me his belly. He purred at me. "You strange little cat," I told him, "I thought that all cats were anti-social. Are you a dog in a cat's body?" Icy only meowed.

A knock came from the door again. Asher ran from the other room to the door. "Please be Daddy! Please be Daddy! Please be Daddy!" he said. Asher opened the door. "Daddy!" he shouted.

Kion wrapped Asher up in his arms. "Hi Asher," Kion said, "I'm so glad to see you again."

Rani and the relative stood behind him. Asher knew Rani, but he didn't know the relative. Like he would care, he loves making friends. "Auntie Rani!" Asher cheered, letting go of Kion and hugging Rani. Then he turned to the relative. "I don't know you, but hug anyway!" He hugged the relative.

This relative spoke something that did not sound like English to Rani. Rani spoke the same language back to her. "Jasiri," Kion said, "Asher, meet Rani's cousin Amahle. She came from Africa a few months ago. She's still learning English but she's pretty good already."

"How do you say her name?" Asher asked.

"Jasiri?" Janja called from the other room, "Is Asher's dad there? It's not another delivery guy?"

Kion looked at me. "Who's that?" he asked.

"Janja," I told him, "My new boyfriend."

Rani turned to me. "You got a new boyfriend?" she asked, "That's great."

"I knew a Janja once," Kion said.

Then Janja came out from the other room, arms loaded with Asher's drawings. Kion and Janja saw each other and both froze. I looked from one to another. "Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Kion?" Rani asked.

"Daddy?" Asher asked, holding onto Kion's leg.

Janja looked at me. "He's Asher's dad?" he asked.

Kion turned to me. "He's your new boyfriend?"

I nodded to both of them. "Is there something wrong with that?" I asked.

"He's the Janja I knew," Kion said, "The guy who used to bully me and my brother."

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