Twins Again.

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A little over eighteen years ago, Nala went shopping when she could have gone into labor at any time. Today, she's doing it again and it's still freaking me out. Why does she feel the need to shop when doctors say she'll be in labor by midnight? I love Nala, but she's stressing me out.

Nala picked up a little stuffed pink cat with a big red bow around its neck. "Why are the girl toys always pink and sparkly? And why are all the baby girl clothes the same? It's no wonder why girls are expected to like pink."

I had to sigh. "Nala," I said, "I thought we agreed that we would go home and wait for you to go into labor. In case you haven't realized, this isn't our house. It's not even a house, it's a mall."

Nala put the cat in her basket already filling up with toys and clothes and diapers. "Simba, I don't want these little ones to have all hand-me-downs from their big siblings," she said, caressing her expanding stomach full of babies, "Besides, I'm done." 

"Thank goodness," I groaned. Nala rolled her eyes and walked up to the check-out counter.

The cashier started sliding the items past and would eye us every once in a while. I'd be annoyed if he was eyeing just Nala, but this guy was eyeing both of us. I couldn't think of why. I could ignore it, at least that's what I told myself.

Nala asked before I did. "Is something wrong?" she asked the cashier.

The cashier looked down as he scanned the cat. "Nothing," he said, "It's just, there seems to be a difference in your ages." I knew instantly what he was talking about. This pregnancy was hard on Nala, now even though we're the same age, she looks almost ten years older than me. I'd never said a word because I love her, so I don't even know if Nala's aware how much she'd aged in the past nine months. "How did this happen?" the cashier asked.

"Um," Nala said, "What do you mean age difference? Simba and I graduated together."

"Were you held back a few times?" the cashier asked.

I got involved. "No, she wasn't," I said, "We're the same age and even if we weren't, it's none of your business how old we are. Could you please just get us checked out?"

The cashier seemed suspicious of us, but finished checking us out and we left the store without any more problems. 

"What was that about?" Nala asked. Well, no more problems for that cashier. "Age difference? How could he possibly think that there's an age difference between us?"

I couldn't answer. I didn't really have the heart to lie to her and I really don't want to tell her how old she looks. "I mean," Nala said, "I know I'm not looking my best, all because of the age I'm having twins at, but still. How could he think there's an age difference between us?" I still didn't answer.


I drove Nala to the hospital. The doctors were right, eight p.m. and Nala was in labor. I helped her out of the car and in the front doors. I helped her down into a chair. "Rest right here Nala," I said, "I'll just be over there, getting us checked in. Deep breaths." Nala held her stomach and panted. Close enough. I ran to the desk and shouted that my wife was in labor. 

Nala was taken to the delivery room, where she pushed one little girl into the world. We had decided to name the girls after our mothers so either Sarabi or Sarafina was being wrapped in a blanket, one or the other. Then Nala worked on pushing the other girl out.

The first time we had twins, Kion was out two minutes after Kiara. With Sarabi and Sarafina, I was waiting for hours before the second twin came out. When she came out, there was no cries and her little body was a deathly pale. The doctor checked for a heart beat, there was one, but it was weak. Our little girl was taken to the NICU. Nala and I didn't even get to hold her.

Nala dropped off to sleep soon after, with the girl we decided was Sarabi in her arms. I lay my head on her shoulders. "It'll be okay Nala," I whispered to my Queen even though she was asleep, "It'll all be okay. Both of our baby girls will be fine. I promise you."



I held both of my twin girls in my arms. Little Sarabi was mine and Simba's healthy baby and tiny Sarafina was our sick baby, but we love her just the same. Sarafina's little tiny heart wasn't as strong as it should be, but she can be treated. Simba and I love them both anyway, and Kiara's happy to have little sisters to.

Kiara scooped Sarabi out of my arms now. "She's so cute!" Kiara squealed, "Look at her wittle chubby cheeks and her itty bitty wittle nose. Who's a cutie? Who's a wittle cutie pie?"

Kopa's girlfriend Evie took Sarafina. "I guess you're a wittle cutie pie too since you and your sissy are identical." They were identical and that's going to make telling them apart fun when they're older. But for right now, they're so cute together. 

Kopa knelt down next to where his girlfriend sat with my baby. "This is your last time, right Mom?" he asked.

Simba laughed. "Don't worry Kopa. The factory's closed for good after these girls." After the babies being a possible threat to my life, Simba had a vasectomy so we don't risk that ever again. But I'm good for babies after these girls.

"It's a shame Kion couldn't be here," Kiara said, "He would have loved to hold one of you two. Yes, yes, yes he would. Your big bwothew Kion would wov to snuggle with you."

"Simba," I asked, "Did Kiara get her baby talking from you or from me?"

Simba sighed. "Nala," he said, "Have you heard yourself when you talk to the babies, or any baby in the whole wide world?"

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